Chrissy Teigen has sparked an important conversation about miscarriage


Since she spoke about her experience, Teigen has received a great deal of support on Twitter, with many women crediting her for courageously sharing their pain, as well as shedding light on an issue that is far more common than people realize.

According to the nonprofit maternal and child health organization the March of Dimes, for women who know they are pregnant, between 10 and 15 out of 100 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and most pregnancy losses occur in the first trimester earlier. from the 12th week of pregnancy. . Too often, pregnancy loss is a taboo subject that leaves women who have experienced it suffering in silence. By sharing her experience, Teigen not only sheds light on how common miscarriage is, but also helps end the stigma of talking about it.

“Women rarely talk about these experiences, as they often occur before they normally begin to share the news of their pregnancy,” explains Lauren Bishop, MD, a fertility specialist at the Columbia University Fertility Center. “Therefore, many times women can feel very lonely, that they are the only ones who experience such tragic results.”

When high-profile women like Teigen share their pregnancy loss experience, it helps raise awareness of this common but devastating outcome. “Hopefully, by sharing their experiences, women will begin to have open conversations about miscarriage and find comfort in talking with friends and family,” Bishop says.

Throughout her motherhood journey, Teigen has been candid about the mental and physical obstacles she faces, from undergoing IVF treatments to her struggles with postpartum depression. In the face of unimaginable loss, she continues to help other women feel less alone.
