New Ads Encourage Minorities to Roll Up Their Sleeves and Take Part in Coronavirus Vaccine Trials


“When everything seems bleak, we know that someone somewhere is full of hope and strength and wants to act,” reads one ad, showing a series of black people. “Walk and roll up your sleeves to get back to normal sooner.”

The ads show black and Latino people pointing to their upper arms, where an injection would be given, and then a nurse appears to roll down a black man’s sleeve after giving him an injection. The announcement ends with the website,, where people can sign up to join a trial.

“Volunteer to find the Covid-19 vaccine. Help end the uncertainty,” says the voiceover.

Another ad shows a couple lulling a video of their newborn grandson in Spanish.

The daughter of the couple looks at the camera.

“I wonder when they will get to see him,” he says in Spanish.

Vaccine trials (there are three ongoing in the United States) need more minorities to sign up. Dr. Larry Corey, who leads the group that posts the ads, said he knows the ads won’t instantly increase enrollment, but hopes they will help.

“Not everyone is thinking about how they could play a role in ending the pandemic,” said Corey, who heads the Covid-19 Prevention Network. “The goal of any advertising is to reveal choices, to reveal choices.”

Researchers need minority participation for two reasons: Drugs can affect diverse populations differently, and to be successful quickly, trials need people who are likely to encounter the virus.

The ads were developed by the Covid-19 Prevention Network, which is based at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and two ad agencies, Socialisssima and Sam Bonds Creative. The ads are scheduled to begin airing Tuesday on major television networks, as well as BET, Oprah Winfrey Network, TV One, Telemundo and Univision.

Why Clinical Trials Seek Minority Volunteers

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has urged that about 37% of volunteers in clinical trials of the coronavirus vaccine be Latino and 27% be Black.

So far, enrollment has not reached that level.

Last week, 16% of Moderna’s new registrations were Latino and 10% were Black. And as of August 31, 11% of Pfizer test volunteers in the US were Latino and 8% were Black.

The researchers have two reasons for wanting to improve on these numbers.

Vaccines and drugs can work differently in different racial and ethnic groups, so diversity in clinical trials is important.

Despite the best efforts, the enrollment of minorities in existing trials has so far not reached the stated goals.  Experts hope that announcements like this can stimulate participation.

In addition, for clinical trials of the vaccine to be successful, scientists must recruit people who have a high probability of encountering the virus. Otherwise, researchers will have to wait longer to find out if the vaccine works or not.

Black people are 2.6 times more likely to get Covid-19 than white people, and Latinos are 2.8 times more likely to get Covid-19 than white people, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. USA

Ads are not enough

Pastor Ricky Temple, who leads a large black church in Savannah, Georgia, said he found the ads “moving.”

“I think these are great. Pointing to the arm was an elegant invitation to participate, which was engaging and personal,” she said of the ads, which include Black and Latino bus drivers, teachers, nurses, students, parents and grandparents.

Ads like this seek to increase minority enrollment in vaccine trials.  Black people and Latinos are more likely to be exposed to the new coronavirus and also more likely to have a severe outcome.

Inspired by Dawn Baker, a Savannah television news anchor who in July became the first person to enroll in a phase 3 coronavirus clinical trial in the US, Temple asked her church leaders how she did. felt by encouraging members of the congregation to join in the rehearsals.

The answer was a resounding “no”.

“It was a fear-based response centered on lack of confidence, and it’s to my left, it’s to my right, it’s everywhere,” Temple said.

Covid-19 vaccine trials have been slow to recruit Black and Latino people, and that could delay a vaccine

Historically, the black community has been hesitant to join clinical trials due to past abuses in medical trials and ongoing injustices in the healthcare system. Black study subjects were horribly abused in the Tuskegee syphilis trials from 1932 to 1972, and blacks still face injustices and disparities in today’s medical system.

Temple said President Trump increases that mistrust when he says a vaccine could be ready by Election Day, which experts say would be too quick and scientifically incorrect.

Temple said the announcements won’t change all of this, but they are “a good start” for building trust in medical research within the black community.

“You take off, take off, take off, and one day people will not remember all the bad things that happened. Tuskegee will be back somewhere and we will think that those people are no longer with us and now there is a new crew,” he said.
