This guy tried the diet Tom Ellis used to wreck for Lucifer


Actor Tom Ellis has been playing the devil himself in the supernatural drama Lucifer since 2016, but recent years have seen him get even more ready for the role, thanks to a suitably hellish workout routine and diet. In honor of the fifth season of Lucifer On Netflix, YouTuber Aseel Soueid recently decided to spend 24 hours following the meal plan Tom Ellis used to help him get in devilishly good shape for the role.

The first meal of the day is abundant: a 5-egg omelette with 5 extra egg whites, stuffed with mushrooms, onions and peppers. This is quickly followed by the second meal / snack, 2 servings of almonds.

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The third meal of the day is a pretty classic pre-workout meal: boneless, 8-ounce cooked skinless chicken breast with brown rice and salad. After getting excited like hell at the gym, it’s time for meal number 4, a post-workout protein shake with whey protein and frozen strawberries. The recipe for this ends up creating a lot, and with the meals of the day adding up, Soueid has to break it down into a few sessions before she can finish it.

Meal number 5 is another standard of “sibling food”: chicken breast, brown rice, and steamed broccoli. Soueid turns it down with the help of some hot sauce, and then

“I’m almost done with the chicken breast for today,” he says. “For me personally, I need a lot of variety in my diet when it comes to my protein sources, like if I had lean ground beef for one meal, some chicken breast for the next, I just can’t eat more than 10 ounces of Chicken mama in a day, and I’ve already had about 16. “

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The sixth and final meal is another whey protein shake, bringing Soueid’s total food intake for the day to 2,056 calories. That’s 114 grams of carbohydrates, 78 grams of fat, and a whopping 231 grams of protein.

Upon completing the challenge, Souid’s main conclusion from the Lucifer diet is that it’s … actually kind of boring.

“You don’t need to eat anything other than chicken breast, broccoli, salad, brown rice, and almonds to get in shape,” he says. “You just need to make sure you set your total calorie intake goal for the day, along with the specific macronutrients your individual body needs.”

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