Former NEDA chief Pernia: ‘Better coordination is needed’ between government and private sector


Former Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning, Ernesto Pernia, is shown in this file photo. ABS-CBN News

MANILA – Former Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning Ernesto Pernia said on Sunday that there should be “better coordination” between the government and the private sector in the fight against COVID-19.

The pandemic, which forced the closure of half of the Philippines’ 100 million people since March 17, required a “society-wide approach,” said Pernia, who resigned from office last Friday.

Pernia told ANC that the blockade could “be modified” after its scheduled expiration on April 30. He said this should be accompanied by rapid and massive tests for the disease.

“What would have been better, there would have been better coordination between what the government is doing at one extreme and what the private sector is doing,” he said.

“All of these things can be coordinated, in terms of social improvement. If there is better coordination, the impact is much greater,” he said.

Philanthropy has been “quite impressive,” Pernia said.

“Bayanihan is supposed to heal as one is the whole of society, collaboration across the country, cooperation, work together to heal as one,” he said, adding: “Before you heal as one, you must act as one. “

The largest companies in the Philippines have contributed to the aid of COVID-19, donating food and protective equipment and paying workers’ wages. Banks have also granted grace periods on loan payments and have waived some fees and interest.

Pernia quit after nearly 4 years on the job as the Philippine economy was facing a possible contraction due to the blockade that closed most companies and required millions to stay home.

He said the economy could contract 1 percent in a “worse” scenario, post-zero expansion, or grow as much as 2 percent.

Before leaving his post, Pernia said future planning at NEDA was “to rebuild or promote consumer and business confidence in the economy.”

“Consumers or the general public should have greater confidence in our health system,” he said. “The capacity of our health system has been trapped by the COVID crisis.”

ANC, ANC Top, ANC Exclusives, Ernesto Pernia, Resignation of Pernia, Resignation of NEDA boss, NEDA, coronavirus, COVID-19, coronavirus updates, COVID-19, most recent coronavirus, most recent COVID-19, pandemic, COVID-19 pandemic, COVID -19 Philippines, Philippines coronavirus, Philippines updates COVID-19, Philippines updates coronavirus
