Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and more beloved RPGs Square Enix have discounts on mobile devices


With the release of the acclaimed Final Fantasy VII Remake, we’ve seen a ton of great deals built around the older Final Fantasy games, which is the perfect time for those who want to come back and play some of their favorite games. PS4 and Xbox One players have their own sales to take advantage of this week with offers on the original FFVII and subsequent entries such as X / X-2 HD Remaster and XII: The Zodiac Age. But if you’re looking to go back and play some of the older Final Fantasy games, a new Square Enix sale offers discounts for those classic games on iOS and Android. You’ll also find deals on the Dragon Quest franchise and other classics like Chrono Trigger.

The sale includes rebates ranging from the first Final Fantasy, which costs just $ 4 right now, to the original Final Fantasy VII, which is on sale for $ 9. Several of these games typically cost around $ 15, so which is a good chance to get some of these older FF games for under $ 10. You can also snag the great Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions for just $ 7 (iPad version has $ 8 discount) .

In addition to Final Fantasy, the epic time travel Chrono Trigger has a total discount of 50% and sells for $ 5 on iOS and Android. You’ll also find plenty of Dragon Quest deals, including Dragon Quest VIII for $ 15 (usually $ 20) and previous games for $ 10 or less. You can check all current mobile offers below. It is unclear how long these offers will be available, so don’t wait too long if any of these games catches your eye.

The best mobile gaming deals (iOS)

If playing games on a phone or tablet isn’t your thing, be sure to check out all the other digital gaming offerings floating this week on PC and consoles. PSN just launched a big sale on PS4 games for under $ 20, and Xbox Live is also making deals this week with sales in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Diablo III: Eternal Collection. Some fantastic PC games, like Titanfall 2, are as cheap as $ 3 on Amazon right now. Also, check out all the free games you can keep this week.

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Playing now: Why we deliver Final Fantasy 7 Remake A 10/10
