7-Eleven Supports DOH’s Fight Against Covid-19


Philippine Seven Corp., owner of the main 7-Eleven convenience store franchise in the Philippines, said Thursday that it has partnered with the Department of Health (DOH) to bring the fight against Covid-19 to barangays across by BIDA Solusyon. Bell.

The company said it installed a Covid-19 upgrade plate in each of its 2,951 stores across the country once the barangay level data became publicly available in mid-September.

This dashboard shows the number of active cases and the trend in the barangay where the store is located. It also showed similar information about the other 2 adjacent barangays.

“Our management philosophy is ‘show the right data in the right way to the right people at the right time, and they will make the right decisions.’ You can’t look over the shoulder of every store manager when you have 3,000 stores; you should give him the freedom to manage his store, but at the same time let him know how he is, so he can be left alone. , recognized or held responsible. We believe the same is true regarding the management of Covid-19, ”said the president and CEO of the company, Victor Paterno.

“We applaud DOH for making the barangay data available. The virus is spread by close contact within members of a community, so we believe that reporting it at that level opens up a promising front in the war to contain the virus. We hope it will drive the behavioral changes needed to reduce the numbers and give communities confidence that the problem can be managed. There is no need to be afraid, if we are together, we are careful. “

According to Fr. Nicanor Austriatico, chief researcher for microbiology, efforts at the barangay level over the past month have been promising.

7-Eleven is also launching a Bidang Barangay Contest in more than 50 major cities and municipalities across the country, as it encourages both local officials and barangay residents to be proactive partners in sharing information about the covid- 19 in your locality.

“These are the early days of this approach and we need to compare notes on what works and what doesn’t as we move forward with our individual efforts. Furthermore, we hope that the national government, and those here who influence them, can help incentivize the reduction of community spread by empowering LGUs to lift restrictions and allow more economic activity, ”said Paterno.
