Phantom Ridiculous from Tsushima Triple Kill Requires one horse, two explosives

Illustration for the article titled Ridiculous iGhost Of Tsushima / i Triple Kill Requires one horse, two explosives

Screenshot: Sucker Punch / Kotaku

There are a million ways to kill people in Ghost of tsushima, the new samurai-themed open-world action game for the PlayStation 4. Some methods are honorable (duels, clashes, shooting people in the head with burning arrows). Some are dishonorable (kunai, poisonous darts, shooting people in the back of the head with flaming arrows). Some, like the one you can see in this viral GIF from the Twitter account @SunhiLegend, avoid that ordered categorization:

We can extract four truths from this amazing GIF:

  1. This is incredible.
  2. You can drop bombs while you are in the air.
  3. You can drop bombs on the Mongols while they are in the air.
  4. Seriously, how cool is this?

Now, I have played this game as completely as possible. I have finished every secondary search. I have unlocked all skills and upgraded every piece of equipment. I became personally proud to switch between playstyles and charges from one mission to another. For 60 hours, I’ve turned almost all of the stones into Tsushima, or so I thought, and still had no idea that I could drop bombs while planting zero feet in the ground.

In hindsight, it should have been obvious. Broken down, a combo like this is something you can also accomplish.

Just jump off your horse, out of a building, out of a hay bale, and tap R1 to launch any item you’ve equipped into the quick-fire slot. Sticky bombs should automatically target the closest enemy, while smoke bombs will explode below you. (To change items, press and hold R2, then touch the d-pad for sticky bombs, or down on the d-pad for smoke bombs.) This clip shows just how useful a jump shot with a smoke bomb can be, but its uses with a sticky bomb are limitless. Just make sure you’ve updated the thing to the point where it’s bang doesn’t affect you!

As for that kick, if you level up the wind stance, your Typhoon kick (hold the triangle) will knock opponents back even further. That should throw even the bulkiest and bulky Mongolian thugs high enough for you to tag them with a sticky bomb.

Technically, all the tools you see here are “ghost weapons”, powerful and stealthy accessories that can change the course of battle. Ghost of tsushima You are narratively ashamed for using them, but it offers no game ramifications. If you want to play stealthily, that is your prerogative. I only know that Jin’s uncle, the venerable Lord Shimura, will probably be mad at you.

But no one can reasonably watch this clip and slander it as a purely stealth death. After all, Jin approaches his enemies with a galloping horse, a noise that falls somewhere between “the New York Public Library” and “Fifth Avenue outside the New York Public Library” in the noise spectrum. . You’d Hear It Jin then makes a perfect stop on the big guy, before firing an ahistorical explosive sticker that, against all known laws of physics and biology, leaves him stunned, but undamaged. Only then, on a clear day, Jin walks in and finishes the job. Is this honorable? Dishonorable?

In my opinion, if Jin’s uncle saw a movement like this, he wouldn’t be angry. He would simply be disappointed and, well, a little impressed.

More socially acceptable ghosts:
