Pelosi accuses Trump of ‘being afraid of the American people’ in the middle of the vote via mail-in-vote

Chamber member Nancy Pelosi on Thursday accused President Trump of ‘being afraid of the American people’ in his pushback against funding for universal post-in-votes as part of a new round of economic stimulus.

“The president is afraid of the American people. He’s been scared for a while, he knows from the legit that it would be difficult for him to win, so he wants to throw up obstacles of participation, ‘said Pelosi, D-Calif.,


Pelosi made the remarks at a news conference hours after Trump told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo that Democratic funding requirements were met, which would be the fourth economic stimulus package.

“They want $ 3.5 billion for something that is fraudulent … for the post-vote, universal post-vote. They want $ 25 billion for the post office. They need that money so it can work. and they can take those millions and millions of ballots. “

Trump added: “But if they do not get those two items, then they can not have e-mail votes.”

Trump has long rails against the practice, saying it will lead to widespread fraud, a claim that Democrats have rejected. On Friday, he claimed that sentiments “to dogs” and “dead people” had been sent, citing cases such as New York, where there has been weeks-long delays for primary races.

The Republican National Committee had asked the Supreme Court to intervene in a case in Rhode Island where officials sought to eliminate the state’s requirements for witnesses and notary requirements for postal voting because of the coronavirus crisis. The court on Thursday rejected RNC’s request.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has submitted two Iowa counties seeking to make it easier to vote by mail by sending registered voter forms with information already filled out – including names, dates of birth and voting numbers. Voters just need to check, sign and return the forms to get polling stations in October that they can return or send, and avoid having full polling stations.

Democrats, like Pelosi, have accused Trump of exaggerating limited cases of mismanagement or fraud and of trying to suppress the vote in a way that will benefit him in November. They argue that mailing-in-voice is necessary because of the risk of coronavirus spread.

“But we do not plead, we organize,” Pelosi said. ‘And what’s the reality, that we have to deal with it, if he refuses to honor the sacred right of the vote, remove barriers to participation, if he wants to undermine the Post Office … that’s the worst, but we will have the volunteer power to ensure that our vote comes out early and that it comes out in a way on an election day a clear decision. ”


Trump has rejected the idea that there was a problem with voting people despite the coronavirus pandemic.

“They voted in World War I and in World War II,” Trump said. “They need to have voter ID, because Democrats are scamming the system.”

Brooke Singman of Fox News and The Associated Press contributed to this report.