Pau Gasol playing uncle to daughters of Kobe Bryant will warm your heart

Kobe Bryant had two sisters all his life, but when the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol in 2008, he also bought a brother.

Bryant simply described Gasol as “mi hermano” in a 2016 interview, Spanish for “my brother”, and the two formed a special bond during their tenure with the Lakers. Like all siblings, their relationship had its ups and downs, but Gasol eventually gave Bryant a perfect, symbiotic partner in the NBA, the most seamless link to both men’s legendary careers. They won two rings together, and clearly the court was not the only place where they formed a deep, family bond.

From later calling his brother Gasol, and meeting him at 2 a.m. the first night, he joined the Lakers to welcome him, and even the way Bryant would speak Spanish with him in court, it was clear that Gasol had a special place in Bryant’s heart. And Gasol continues her fraternity, even after Bryant’s tragic passing alongside his daughter Gianna and seven others in a helicopter crash in January.

For most of us, Gasol is one of the greatest and most cherished Lakers ever. To Bryant’s daughters – Natalia, Bianka and Capri – he’s just “Uncle Pau.”

Not that anyone needed a reminder of this, but Pau is just one of the best and funniest people to ever walk the planet, much less wearing a Lakers uniform. As horrible as 2020, things like this just reminded you that there are still good people in the world.

We should all be as happy as having a Peacock in our lives. Thank you for all the good that the Bryants are doing.

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