Paris Hilton discovers ‘nightmares’ of child trauma in the doc trailer of This is Paris

Socialite-turned-reality star-studded DJ Paris Hilton continues to expose the faux reality of her public image with “This Is Paris”, an upcoming YouTube Originals documentary about who she really is.

The hotel’s heiress recalls “nightmares” about trauma from her childhood in the trailer, revealed Monday, which deconstructs the vapid blonde persona she built in the early aughts when she starred in Fox and E died! reality series “The Simple Life” as a rich fish-out-of-water.

And it looks like they’re trying to dissect “the facade of the happy-perfect life” – they curated – you know, the little-puppy-wearing, colorful-training-wearing, “that’s very” characterizing, three-day prison – time-serving world of the glamorous privileges.

“I created this brand, this persona, this character, and I’ve been stuck with them ever since,” the 39-year-old original influencer says in the trailer.

Her words play over clips of her cushy home life, appearances of DJ and red carpet, heated certainties, emotional testimonies of her and sister Nikki Hilton, and images of paparazzi with her former stylist Kim Kardashian.

Elsewhere, she adds, “Sorry, I’m so used to, like, playing a character, that it’s, like, difficult for me to be normal.”

And: “I feel like the whole world thinks they know me. Nobody really knows who I am. I do not even know who I am. I did not know that before.”

Hilton refers to previously unrecealed trauma for children, and offers no details that she overcame by “thinking about who I wanted to be.”

The documentary was directed by Alexandra Dean (“Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story”), and Hilton handed over full control of the project to the filmmakers.

“This is Paris” debuts on YouTube Sept. 14.