Paris Coronavirus Lockdown: City to face possible imprisonment as Covid cleans up in Europe

“Since yesterday, in the last 24 hours, Paris has crossed the threshold that would put it in the maximum alert category,” French Health Minister Iv Livier said on Thursday evening.

France has reached the “maximum warning” threshold when the incidence rate reaches 250 per 100,000 people, at least 30% intensive care beds are occupied by coronavirus patients, and the rate among the elderly passes 100 per 100,000.

The Paris region has already met the last two criteria.

Speaking from the city’s Bicht-Cloud Bernard Hospital, the groom said that if “evolution” is confirmed in the coming days, “we will have no choice but to put Paris and its suburbs in the maximum alert category, including Monday.”

“We will re-examine the indicators on Sunday with the mayor and elected officials of Paris,” he added.

The area was occupied by 34 34% intensive care beds by Covid-19 patients and the incidence rate of over 100 people per 100,000 population is over 100, the head of the Paris Regional Health Authority, urelion Ross, told the radio station France Inter on Wednesday. .

He said that even for people in the age group of 20,000 to 30 years, the rate in 450 cases per 100,000 people is very very low.

Parisian bar and restaurant owners protest against the new ban on September 28 by hanging banners in front of their venues.

Entering lockdown

The foreign divisions of Marseille and Guadeloupe in France are already on “maximum alert”, meaning bars and rest restaurants were forced to close rent. According to the French Ministry of Health, this warning level means closing all establishments, such as cinemas and museums, unless they have strict and respectable health protocols, and alternative closure of coastal and lake areas. The only high-alert level is a “state health crisis.”

Many business owners in Paris fear the long-running effects of the closure and are opposed to existing restrictions.

Paris was already on an “advanced warning”, with curfews limited to 10 people and 10 a.m. Monday. The Paris police department said last week that businesses could be shut down if they failed to comply with the rules.

Tourists board a metro train in the morning rush hour on September 28 in Paris.

Masks are mandatory for pedestrians, cyclists and scooter riders in the region, and must be worn in all closed public spaces, including school children over the age of 11.

The number of cases in France rose to 13,970 on Thursday, with 32,019 deaths and a total of 577,505. On September 24, there was a record daily increase of 16,096 cases.

The news came after the Spanish government announced that Madrid would be put back into lockdown, with people unable to leave the area or enter.

Countries across Europe are re-imposing local leg-downs and new restrictions to combat the second wave of infections spreading across the continent, banning indoor mixing in homes in the north of England and making the Dutch government mandatory masks in all interior spaces.

Fannie Bobille, Gaul F ourron Near and Pierre Buet contributed to the report.
