Panasonic small DIY customizable cabinet for work from home

  • Panasonic is selling an office that comes with a private cabin-like workspace.
  • It will be available in Japan in early September for $ 835.
  • The partition and desk come in different colors to blend into decor.
  • Visit the Business Insider website for more stories.

Since March, millions of people around the world have been forced to figure out how to work from home, from makeshift office spaces to rapid childcare solutions.

Panasonic’s solution is Komoru, an office and partition that can be assembled at home and create a kind of mini-cubicle. The company conducted a survey of 1,000 people currently working from home, and found that about half of them work out of their living room. With that situation in mind, Panasonic created a design that fits into the average living room without taking up space.

Many studios have released remote work solutions since the coronavirus pandemic. Most of these designs were picturesque offices in the garden, which are undoubtedly handy to have, but they typically cost tens of thousands of dollars. In comparison, Komoru is a relative deal at about 88,000 yen, about $ 835, when it goes on sale in Japan in September.

Take a look.