Palestinian President Meets Ronald Ludder of World Jewish Congress in West Bank: Report

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with Ronald Ludder, president of the World Jewish Congress in the West Bank, on Saturday, the Palestinian minister told Reuters.

The discussion follows a call from Luddar to revive peace talks between the two groups.

Lauder, a U.S. businessman and heir to Estelle’s companies, told the Saudi newspaper Arab News on September 16 that he hoped a White House-led deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain could resume talks between Israel and Palestine.

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The Middle East has seen a shift in attitudes towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with some Gulf states proposing to champion the Palestinian cause.

In a recent interview-history lecture recorded by former Saudi Arabian intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the prince called Palestinian causes “justified,” but said his “advocates are failures,” while “unjust” Israeli causes “proved successful.” ”Is a report in the Wall Street Journal.

“Palestine is still under occupation,” said Marwan Muasher, a former Jordanian foreign minister. “Even if Israel signs a peace treaty with all the Arab states but does not come to terms with the Palestinians, you are not going to achieve stability in the region.”

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A person familiar with the issue told Reuters that La La Der’s visit was not coordinated by or on behalf of the Trump administration and that the White House had not issued a statement or comment.

A Palestinian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that Ladder was not carrying a message from the White House.

Another Palestinian Palestinian source said Abbas discussed a call he made early last year at a UN-led peace conference at the United Nations last month.

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The World Jewish Congress said in a statement that it had met with Luddar Abbas, “at the invitation of Abbas for a private visit, to discuss various issues concerning Palestine and the Middle East.”