Palantier raises his full-year earnings outlook

Its analytics company Palantir Technologies Inc. boosted its annual revenue outlook on Thursday after selling more than expected in its additional third quarter in demand for its software.

In its first quarterly report since being released in September, the company said it now sees revenue of at least 0 1.07 billion for the year, compared to previous estimates of 1. 5.05 billion.

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Pellentier said third-quarter revenue rose 52% to 28 289 million over the previous period, exceeding the high end of its forecast range. Despite faster-than-expected growth, Pelentier reported a loss of public 853.3 million to the public, including a large 7 847 million charge due to a compensation charge related to its public listing. In the same period a year earlier, it had incurred a loss of $ 139.8 million.

The Covid-19 global epidemic has brought new business to Paltier, as the company is building software to help the federal government distribute the virus vaccine, the Wall Street Journal reported last month. Palantier also has two agreements with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services worth about હોસ્પિટ 25 million to help track hospital data across the country.

Shyam Sankar, chief operating officer of Palantir, told investors in a call on Thursday that the epidemic has led government healthcare agencies around the world to increase investment in software – which is expected to continue.

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“Covid has highlighted opportunities for improvement and governments will invest there,” Mr Sanker said. “It offers tremendous opportunities for us.”

Shares of Palantier were down in trading after Thursday, down 7%. In regular trade, they closed below 7.%, as stocks of the growing coronavirus infection in the U.S. were largely on stocks.

Palantier, who co-founded investor Peter Thiel in 2003, entered the New York Stock Exchange on September 30. The stock had rallied in recent weeks when it opened at about ડ 10, with the stock closing at $ 14.58 on Thursday. .

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The company has not reported a profit in its 17-year history, though it has repeatedly said profit is on the horizon. Over the years, the company’s business models have largely relied on customizing software, which is an expensive endeavor. More recently, it has begun migrating to standard software that is closer to the shelf and is theoretically more profitable. It reported a loss of 80,580 million for 2018.

The focus is on helping intelligence agencies sort through data to better identify potential terrorists. While it still has significant operations with intelligence agencies in North America and Europe, their work has expanded to more physical areas – for example, helping governments and companies assist large data stores and airlines to keep track of aircraft maintenance.

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The company renewed a five-year, 300 300 million contract with an unnamed aerospace company, in which Pellentier said it was the largest deal with the business.

Write to Elliott Brown at [email protected]