Benchmark of Apple’s New ARM Mac-Based CPU Appears

Screenshot: Joanna Nelius (Apple Apple developers allegedly have started receiving its Apple ARM transition kits, and now some reference numbers for those development kits have also appeared in the wild. Sighted by 9to5Mac, the benchmarks for the Developer Transition Kit appeared to have appeared on Geekbench, despite strict confidentiality clauses …

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De Blasio agrees to cut $ 1 billion from New York police budget

Mayor of New York City Bill de BlasioBill de BlasioMore than 15 New York correctional officers will be disciplined after the death of a trans inmate on Riker’s Island Hundreds attend the ‘Occupy City Hall’ protest in New York to advocate for police department budget cuts Sometimes it makes sense …

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The world’s dominant strain of coronavirus “is 10 TIMES more infectious than the one that jumped into humans in China” because it mutated so that its vital peak protein does not break down as often in the body, scientists say.

The spikes on the outside of the coronavirus (illustrated in red) are what it uses to latch onto cells inside the victim’s airways. According to scientists, a mutated version of the virus appears to have developed stronger spikes, making it more likely that it will infect someone if inhaled. Scientists …

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