Pa Health Secretary on Transphobic Attacks: “Our children are watching”

Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine opened her daily coronavirus briefing on Tuesday by personally responding to “the multiple incidents of LGBTQ bullying and specifically transphobia directed at me that have been reported in the press.”

“While these people may think they are just expressing their discontent with me, they are in fact hurting the thousands of Pennsylvania LGBTQ residents directly suffering from these current manifestations of bullying,” Levine said.

He noted that despite a recent Supreme Court ruling prohibiting discrimination in the workplace against LGBTQ people, “LGBTQ people can still be denied public housing and accommodation in most places in Pennsylvania that do not they have local non-discrimination ordinances. “

Since becoming the public face of the state’s COVID-19 response, Levine has taken on a new role through daily briefings in which he updates the Pennsylvania public with the latest statistics.

In an interview for an NBC Out Pride profile of the month, Levine reflected on how to become a known face of the transgender community, saying, “I hope that being a public figure and being a health secretary during this public health crisis, that educate people about LGBTQ people and transgender people. “

But as her public profile has grown, so have reports of transphobia. In a recent incident, a Pennsylvania fire department charity event called a dragged man sitting in a dip tank “Dr. Levine. Organizers quickly apologized.

In his comments Tuesday, Levine said he accepted the apology, if it is sincere.

“But an apology is the beginning, not the end, of a conversation,” said Levine. “I ask that you and all Pennsylvania residents work to achieve a spirit of not only tolerance, but also a spirit of acceptance and welcome towards LGBTQ people.”

Before proceeding with the daily COVID-19 update, Levine asked everyone in the state to set an example for the younger generation.

“Our children are watching, they are watching what we do and they are watching how we act,” Levine said. “And for all LGBTQ youth: it’s okay to be you, and it’s okay to defend your rights and freedoms.”

State Representative Brian Sims, an openly gay Philadelphia Democrat and LGBTQ advocate, praised the health secretary for speaking.

“In just a few powerful observations before literally returning to life-saving work, Dr. Levine reminded each of her detractors, and certainly everyone who supports her, why she is not just a public health expert. world-class, but also a world-class LGBTQ + champion, “Sims said in an email.” I have never been more proud of her leadership and service. “

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