One in three Americans says they will not receive a vaccine for coronavirus: interview

More than one in three Americans nationwide say they will not receive a coronavirus vaccine once it is available, a NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist interview Friday released found.

Thirty-five percent of respondents said they would not take the vaccine, 60 percent said they would and 5 percent said they were unsure.

Those with colleges are 19 points more likely to take a vaccine than those without, 72 percent to 53 percent. Democrats were also more likely to take the vaccine than Republicans, 71 percent to 48 percent.

The survey notes that in 2009 only 51 percent said they would take a vaccine for H1N1, although that disease was less deadly and had a narrower impact on daily life.

Thousands of vaccines around the world are in the process of being developed, with a handful of them in the final stages of testing. The timeline is significantly crunched compared to the production of other faxes, and even then it is not expected to be available until early 2021.

In an interview with The Hill, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins said that as “half the nation says, ‘No, I do not want this vaccine,’ then this coronavirus pandemic could go on and on, to the great detriment of our country, and endanger vulnerable people. ‘

‘I’m surprised, to be honest, that opposition to this vaccine has reached the level it has. I thought when people saw the terrible tragedies and suffering that surrounds us from this disease, that maybe some of the resistance we have seen against other vaccines for children would not be cut short. ” “But at the moment it seems to be quite prominent.”

Three-quarters of Americans said they trusted information coming from public health officials, and 62 percent said they trusted state-elected leaders. President TrumpDonald John TrumpUSPS warns Pennsylvania post-in polls may not be delivered on time to count. Michael Cohen book accuses Trump of corruption, fraud Trump demands post-vote for Florida Congress primary MORE and the news media do not earn as well, 31 percent and 46 percent, respectively.

The interview has similar results to one published by Gallup earlier this month. In that poll, 35 percent said they would not receive the vaccine, while 65 percent said they would.

The NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist poll was conducted among 1,118 registered voters August 8, 11-11 and reported an error margin of plus or minus 3.3 percent.
