Oliver Stone denies concerns over Russia’s Bill Maher, claiming US intelligence “unreliable”

Liberal filmmaker Oliver Stone took “Real Time” host Bill Maher by surprise with his dismissal of the House of Representatives’ recently released report outlining Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Maher noted from the report released earlier this week that former Trump campaign president Paul Manafort “communicated directly and indirectly” with Russian nationalist Konstantin Kilimnik and other pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine during the election – in addition to Trump ally Roger Stone is linked to the Clinton WikiLeaks dump.

But that prompted a waning wave from Stone, the 73-year-old director of “JFK,” “Platoon,” and other films.


“You can not really think that a Russian president … should be able to rat-f — our elections like this, can you?” Frege Maher.

“Oh Bill, I’ve known you for too long and I think you’re sensible enough to know – we have to doubt everything that comes out of our intelligence bureau,” Stone replied. “If you have not learned that yet, you have a long way to go.”

“We have to doubt everything that comes out of our intelligence agencies. If you have not learned that yet, you have a long way to go.”

– Oliver Stone

“That they lie?” Frege Maher.

“Intelligence agencies are not reliable. They have been shocked with America to go back to the Vietnam War, to go back to the Iraq wars, the Afghanistan wars,” Stone continued. “It’s very difficult to find the truth of them. Everything they publish – the rumors, the anonymous sources, the think tanks, the anti-Russia – it all adds to this ball of wax that becomes enormous. And then they have people like you, who are generally skeptical, and believe it. I would triple-check everything, each of those sources. “

The Oscar-winning filmmaker said the road “they went to” Manafort was “bizarre,” insisting that Manafort “was not so intelligent” and was “just trying to make some money from Ukraine.”

“We are at a time when everything, everything about China as Russia is being sent out loud to the American people,” Stone told Maher. “We have a very effective Western media that does this all the time. You have to go back – and you’ve been skeptical in the past. Why do we need enemies? Why do we need these enemies? Why do we want to make this an issue? ? But why? “

Filmmaker Oliver Stone, left, a

Filmmaker Oliver Stone, left, and “Real Time” host Bill Maher.

A shocked Maher responded to Stone, saying he did not expect the “conspiracy” -type response, but then turned to President Trump – claiming that the president “hid his conspiracy in plain sight”, pointing to Trump’s recent remarks about funding the U.S. Postal Service ahead of the election and compared its transparent statement of ‘screws’ with voters to a ‘James Bond villain’.

But Stone doubled down.


“I do not vote for Trump and he is a sad figure,” Stone said. “He was the wrong choice to be president … but to make our foreign policy dependent on attacks on Trump, to get rid of Trump and to create a cold war environment with China and with Russia and with other countries is crazy and this stigma is not a policy.

“That they’re looking for everything possible to build this Russia, James Bond, Dr. No scenario. You think the Russians – do you think they sit all the time and think about America? They can not care. They.” They have their own problems and they have a country that is vibrant and they want to make it work. They have a lot of problems like us. They do not think about our election as you think they do. “

He later added, “Keep in mind, Bill, and you know damn well, how many elections we’ve interfered with and how many countries in the world have interfered – with money and all sorts of dirty tricks. It’s a double standard here.”