‘Oldest known cremation in the Middle East’ was 9,000 years ago

‘Oldest known cremation in the Middle East’ is revealed as a young adult who was injured by a flint projectile 9,000 years ago, several months before her death in Israel

  • Investigators discovered evidence of ancient cremation in northern Israel
  • The find included the remains of a corpse that had been deliberately set on fire
  • The team said the cremation and dating to 7013 BC. and 6700 BC.

The oldest known cremation in the Middle East has been discovered and it happened 9000 years ago after a young adult died after being hit by a projectile from a flint.

Scientists from the French National Center for Scientific Research believe that the remains found in present-day Israel marked a cultural shift in funeral practices.

Excavations on the Neolithic side of Beisamoun in northern Israel reveal the ancient cremation pit dating from between 7013 BC. and 6700 BC.

The remains of a corpse appear to be intentionally cremated as part of a funeral practice and are the oldest known example of cremation in the region.

This is an image of the exact coxal in situ - almost preserved by a piece of collapsed mud wall during the fire that burned the rest of the young adult's remains

This is an image of the exact coxal in situ – almost preserved by a piece of collapsed mud wall during the fire that burned the rest of the young adult’s remains

The individual buried in the pit bull was injured several months by a projectile of the flint, before he died, as seen by bystanders the whole in this piece of bone

The individual buried in the pit hole was injured several months by a projectile from the flint, before he died, as seen by bystanders the whole in this piece of bone

The remains include parts of one complete skeleton of a young adult who was heated to a temperature of more than 932 degrees Fahrenheit shortly after death.

What was left of the bones that belonged to the young person were feet, ribs, shoulder and part of a left arm – the rest was burned.

The remains sit in a pit that appears to have been built with an open top and strong insulating walls, according to lead researcher Fanny Bocquentin.

Microscopic plant remains discovered in the pit pit are likely to be left over from the fuel for the fire, according to the findings published in the journal PLOS One.

The evidence led the investigation team to identify it as an intentional cremation of a fresh corpse, as opposed to burning dry remains as a tragic fire accident.

Dr Bocquentin said the cremation comes at an important period of transition in funeral practices in this region of the world.

‘Old traditions were under way, such as removing the skull from the dead and burying them in the settlement, while practices such as cremation were new. ‘

Axial skeletal segment: ribs and vertebrae exposed in the center of the structure

A section of the Beisamoun site where the fire pit can be seen.  It is the oldest known example of a cremation in the Middle East

To the left is a segment of the skeleton that remained from the funeral fire and to the right is a section of the site where the fire can be seen

‘This change in funeral procedure can also mean a transition into rituals around death and the meaning of the deceased in society,’ she said.

‘Further research of other possible cremation sites in the region will help alleviate this important cultural shift.

‘This is a redefinition of the place of the dead in the village and in society.’

The findings were published in the journal PLOS ONE.
