Older people and coronavirus: It is the most devastating epidemic. But the WHO chief says our lack of concern demonstrates ‘moral bankruptcy’

“No, it’s not good when the elderly are dying. It’s moral bankruptcy,” he told a news conference. “Every life, whether young or old, is precious and we must do everything we can to save it.”

But despite the significant decline in the quality of life of the large number of elderly people who have died from coronavirus – and many who have been forced to self-isolate – the risks they have faced in the Covid-19 era have often had a global response. Cooling.

‘How valuable is life?’

When Sweden made the controversial decision not to lock down, the country’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tagnell, told a local newspaper that his public health agency did not know there would be such a high risk of the disease spreading to elderly care homes. Many deaths. “

But he said the country’s main strategy of social distance still “worked well” and that he “can’t see that we should do it completely differently.”

Black in old age, sickness and epidemics: 'I'm doing everything I can to get this virus'.
Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott suggested in a speech in the UK on Tuesday that some elderly coronavirus patients could be left to die naturally.

“In this climate of fear, it was difficult to ask governments: ‘What is the value of life?’ Because every life is precious, and every death is painful, but families who choose to make elderly relatives as comfortable as possible never stop, when nature decides its course.

Abbott said governments “did not think like health economists, trained to raise uncomfortable questions about the level of death we live in.”

And he said that even if Australia prevented the deaths of the estimated 150,000 people from the Australian lockout, the 300 300 billion life savings made for the country would be 2 2 million per year – or 200 200,000 per year, if they only had 10 years to live. If so, they added, the cost was “significantly higher than what governments are usually willing to pay for life-saving drugs.”

‘Prosperous Life’

It is argued that a brief follow-up was given by Robin Hall Hall, the care home manager for the south of England, who said that older residents “are more capable than people think of a prosperous life.”

“You can live in a care home and you can prosper,” said Burser Hall Hall of Homes Comfort in Portsmouth.

Before the downtown, Hall Hall said the house was buzzing with regular activities, visiting friends and family and a group of children.

“It all stopped overnight,” he said. “It felt like the heart was out of our house. Without these people, it feels a little empty and a little confident … all of a sudden everyone is tied up in their own room.”

Seniors in affordable housing are susceptible to coronavirus
Home Com F Comfort faced the same problems as organizations around the world, including hospitals returning residents without tests, as well as a shortage of personal protective equipment, medicine and staff, as well as inadequate testing capacity.

Take care of home managers around the world CNN had previously said in the epidemic that the situation was dire and he saw the most difficult in a career spanning decades.

Many relatives describe the pain of not being able to visit relatives. Mary Daniels of Florida told CNN in July that she had taken a job of dishwashing at her husband’s nursing home so she could see him.
He runs a Facebook group that calls for “fair reopening” of nursing homes across America, where he says loved ones are “dying of loneliness.”

The UK Dementia charity Johns’ campaign is calling for a judicial review of the Guidelines on Care Home Visits, which says face-to-face contact should be limited where possible to reduce the risk of infection. Many families have been separated from their bereaved relatives for months, and said they would only be able to see them when they die, according to reports from the charity and CNN.

Julia Hails, an environmental writer from Dorset in south-west England, told CNN that she felt “absolutely overwhelmed” when the lockdown prevented her from visiting her 90-year-old mother, Minker, who has dementia.

“I felt like she felt, if anything, that she would be abandoned,” Hale said.

Julia Hales, left with her 90-year-old mother Minker and sister Amanda.

Minker was isolated in his room from the suspected coronavirus, but was not tested, and the family’s efforts to reunite through a FaceTime call were a “painful experience,” Haynes said.

Recently, Hales was allowed to visit her mother in her room for the first time since the lockdown, but she said she finds it difficult to communicate while wearing gloves, masks and aprons and sitting behind a screen of Perspx.

Before catching the epidemic, Hale said Minker was able to engage in reading poetry, but now, “she’s become less and less, now she can’t really speak anything.”

Haile said it’s important to keep in mind the lifestyle of older patients, and not just the survival rate.


LTCcovid reported last week that in an average of 26 countries, 47% of all Covid-19-connected deaths have been domestic residents. But these were not people who would have died for other reasons.
The number of additional deaths during the epidemic compared to the same period in previous years – its analysis of additional deaths, which showed an increase in %%% of deaths Care homes in England.
The coronavirus also exposed severe underfunding of homes in Europe, North America and Canada, the network said.
U.S. In, nursing homes were named “Ground Zero” epidemics. The Department of Justice is now requesting Covid-19 data from four states that “issue orders” The agency says the virus could have “consequences” for the deaths of nursing home residents.
Sweden defends coronavirus, but admits failure to protect elderly

“For care homes, it has been catastrophic both in terms of those who have died, but also in terms of those who have survived but have not been able to access and the care and quality of life that they normally expect.” Gordon, a professor of elderly care at the University of Nottingham in the UK, told CNN.

He said that P.P.E. And there is a risk that some care homes will close after additional costs for staff, as well as a drop in demand due to a wave of deaths and fewer people moving into homes during a local epidemic.

There are also concerns about declining hospital admissions during the epidemic, leading to fears that older people may accumulate undiagnosed health problems in the future, Gorden added.

Older people living at home during the epidemic are mostly unnoticed. LTCikovid has found limited evidence anywhere in the world on how people receiving care in the community are affected by Kovid-19.
U.S. In, he reports that challenges in the system that already affect disproportionately low-socio-economic status individuals and people from minority ethnic communities “have evolved greatly from this crisis.”
An analysis of Kaiser Health News data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Covid-19 mortality among African Americans aged 65 to 74 was five times higher than that of whites.

In countries including Sweden and the UK, the number of care home residents who have died of covid-19 has decreased, as the government has begun to provide more support and guidance to help deal with the epidemic.

But Hall Hall said it is difficult for governments to dramatically change their approach to the sector when the epidemic is still ongoing.

“I think it’s very difficult for them to try now and – from the very beginning – to understand what it’s like,” he said.

Cases are on the rise again in many countries, and Hall Hall said the risk is serious for the elderly.

“They don’t have much visibility, they don’t have much attention, which is a shame because they’re in very weak people, but they’re completely invisible.”
