Ohio Police Shooting: Video Shows Armed Black Man Holding Phone Phone US News

B Body D Camera footage shows a black man stepping out of a garage and holding a cellphone in his left hand before being fatally shot by a Columbus police officer.

About six seconds elapsed between Andre Hill, 47, who appears in the video and when the officer fired the weapon. There is no audio dio as the officer did not activate the body, but an automatic “look back” feature caught the shooting early on Tuesday.

Without the audio dio it is not unclear whether Adam Fischer, known as Adam Dum Koi, makes any commands on the hill, whose right hand does not appear in the video. Officials say no weapon was found at the scene. The city says Hill was visiting someone at the time.

Hill lay on the garage floor for several minutes, when no officer came to his aid. Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginter, who violated a policy requiring assistant officers to treat injured people, said Wednesday that Coyne should be fired as a result.

Coyne also violated departmental policies required to activate his camera’s full video and audio dio functions, Ginther said.

Columbus police values, including solidarity, compassion and responsibility, were “absent and not on display when Mr. Hill dies,” Ginther said, a Democrat.

After activating Koi the Dio, he screams on the hill, now he is lying on the garage floor, heard with the help of his “put his hand to the side” sound! Hands to the side now! ”

After a few seconds Koi screams on the hill: “Now turn to your stomach,” and then, “Now lower your hand from under you!”

Then someone asks a dispatcher: “We have a medicine” and shouts, “Don’t move, dude!” For Hill he is lying on his side Karan.

Hill died at the hospital less than an hour later.

Ginter and police chief Thomas Quinn have expressed anger that no one had activated his body camera before. The 60-second look-back feature captured the shooting.

Under departmental policy, officers must activate their body cameras as soon as they are dispatched in the event of a major incident such as shooting, robbery or burglary.

According to the policy, officers must turn on the camera “at the beginning of the execution action or at the first reasonable opportunity to do so.”

However, Coyne was dispatched on a non-emergency call, which became an enforcement action when the officer spoke to Hill, as it was different from the original call, police department spokesman James Fukuya said.

“Therefore, the policy should be activated,” he said.

Koi, a 17-year-old member of the army, was released from duty, ordered to turn on his gun and badge, and stripped the police of their outstanding rights for the results of the investigation. The officer will still be paid by union agreement.

It is common to give relief to an officer on duty in Columbus after a shooting.

“In this case the police chief directly observed that he believed there was a potential serious misconduct and was proceeding to intervene to relieve him of duty until a disciplinary investigation was completed,” said Glenn M. Contier, a spokesman for the City Department of Public Safety. Is, which oversees the police.

The city’s director of public safety, Ned Pettus Jr., promised a “fair, impartial hearing” for Coy on Wednesday.

According to a copy of a call published Wednesday, officers responded to a neighbor’s non-emergency call about the car in front of his home at 1.26 a.m., then stopped, then turned back. Gunther said it was not clear if the car had anything to do with Hill.

Republican Attorney General Dave Yost promised a “full, independent and expert investigation” of the shooting Wednesday.

“What we have now is an incomplete record. We must allow the record to be completed and evidence to be gathered, “Yoste said.” Only the truth – the whole truth and nothing else – will result in justice. “

George Floyd was assassinated by a white police officer in May. And waves of protest arose all over the world.