Obama reminds American voters why they chose Donald Trump

Twelve years after making history by being elected America’s first real Black President over hot promises of “hope” and “change”, Barack Obama is back to let you know that he is very, very disappointed in you is.

And this time, he sells fierce hopelessness and fear.

For eight years, Mr. Obama served as your High Professor and Virtue King, dancing with musical stars and enthusing the world with his thriving speeches apologizing for the power and entire existence of America.

And then you chose a fool.

Of President Trump, Mr. Obama said: ‘For almost four years he has shown no interest in putting the work into practice; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the amazing power of his office to help everyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything other than one more reality show he can use to get the attention he desires. “

This from the same man whose administration is conducting a spying operation at the highest levels of the federal government in the political enemies of Mr. Obama launched to cancel a free and fair election.

This of the boy who had extravagant parties in the White House with the royalties of Hollywood and converted his presidency into contracts with Netflix and book publishers for lovers totaling $ 100 million.

Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he came into the White House a very rich man. Mr. Obama never made millions until he left the White House.

But back to Mr. Obama’s disappointment in you.

“Donald Trump has not grown to the job because he can not. And the consequences of that failure are dire. ”

How bad, you ask? – “170,000 Americans die.”




The bitterness. The poison. The hate.

Well, for the millions of Americans who are not wasting their time stepping on the Democratic Telethon this week, this sounds pretty bad.

No matter how riotous politics gets, never before in U.S. history has a former president accused a successor of committing genocide. Even John Kerry and his ridiculously failed 2004 campaign did not accuse President George W. Bush of killing 170,000 people.

But this is Barack Obama. He’s really bad at this. And desperate.

Did you see the fear etch on his face when he spoke?

No wonder voters threw themselves into Mr. Trump after eight years of this kind of toxic political vitriol.

Mr. Trump’s murderous regime is not limited to just Mr. Trump himself, according to Angry Obama. Mr. Trump has also transformed you into a murderous racist.

“Our worst impulses have been unleashed, our proud reputation around the world has diminished and our democratic institutions are threatened like never before,” he said.

As always, the dystopian portrait of Mr. Obama of America and his history from his inability to view the country except through the lens of race.

“Irish and Italians and Asians and Latinos were told to go back to where they came from,” he said. ‘Jews and Catholics, Muslims and the sick made them feel suspicious of the way they worshiped. Black Americans handcuffed and clawed and hung. Spray by trying to sit at lunch counters. Beaten for trying to vote. ”

In his post-presidency, Mr. Obama has become a bitter dismissal, further and further disconnected by his mixed fortune. He is deeply disappointed in the American people for picking Donald Trump.

Barack Obama has become Ted Kacyzinski, but without the compelling manifesto.

But he is not the only one angry.

Michelle Obama is also deeply disappointed in you.

“Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country,” she says. You stupid idiots!

To her credit, Ms. Obama went on to say that she “hates” the entire election process by which we elect our political leaders. Before she dives into the very political mess of lies and fear, she claims to “hate.”

“They see our leaders marking employees as ‘enemies of the state’ while emboldening torch-turned white supremacists,” she said. peaceful Protestants for a photo-op. “

Hard to determine if she was intentionally dishonest or just hopelessly ignorant. Either way, it’s probably a good thing she hates politics.

• Charles Hurt is advisory editor of The Washington Times. He is reachable at [email protected] or @charleshurt on Twitter.

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