NVIDIA RTX 3090 Founders Edition Board passes RRA certification

An upcoming NVIDIA Ampere GPU with board number PG133A has just passed RRA certification (Kopite via Videocardz). Since PG132 is the board number that AIBs will use, this is probably the Founders Edition card that NVIDIA will ship itself. Since the exact RRA certification has been passed, it is also likely that this card will be available soon. We have previously seen the wacky new design from NVIDIA for the RTX 3080 and we believe this is it.

NVIDIA RTX 3090 FE GPU board passes RRA certification

Korea’s RRA certification is required for any IC that will be made available to the public and is usually one of the most prominent indicators of a difficult release (although it can appear anywhere from a month to 6 months before release). This particular PG number is in line with the part numbers we know to be part of the NVIDIA Ampere lineup.

The star of the NVIDIA lineup is the GA102 part with board number PG132 (in SKU 10, 20 and 30 variants) and according to kopite, this board number is made exclusively for AIBs. The PG133 board number is for NVIDIA’s in-house founder edition. This means that you are looking for the RTX 3090 Founders Edition or the RTX 3080 Founders Edition (or whatever NVIDIA decides to call the cards).

We have already revealed the identities of multiple PG brand boards and according to the nomenclature, the PG136 board would probably be the RTX 3080/3070 FE.

NVIDIA Amper GPUs Partial Specifications and Release Dates

Board ID Replacement class vRAM Bus width Starting plan
PG132-10 2080 Ti 24 GB 384 bit 2H sept.
PG132-20 2080 Super 20 GB 320 bit 1H Oct.
PG132-30 2080 Super 10 GB 320 bit Middle. Sept.
PG133 * 2080 FE (TBC) TBD TBD TBD
PG142-0 2070 Super 16 GB TBD TBD
PG142-10 2070 Super 8 GB 256 bit 2H sept.
PG136 * 2070 FE (TBC) TBD TBD TBD
PG190-10 2060 Super 8 GB 256 bit TBD

* = not confirmed

NVIDIA’s Jensen also reiterates support for RTX in upcoming Ampere GPUs:

We are – we are still in the rampage of the RTX generation. Turing, Turing of the current generation in which we are, is the world’s first ray-tracing GPU.

And it’s fusing – the RTX technology’s fusing three basic technologies: the programmable shader we introduced a long time ago that revolutionized computer graphics, and we’ve added two new technologies. One technology is a nuclear-radiating nucleus that makes tracking rays and seeks to cross between the ray and the scene – objects in scene super, super fast. And that is – it’s a complicated problem. It’s a super complicated problem.

We want it to run at the same time to shade so that the beam passing through and the shading of the pixels can be done independently and simultaneously. The second thing is that we invented this technology to bring AI, artificial intelligence, using this new type of algorithm called deep learning to computer graphics. And one example of the capability is the algorithm we introduced called DLSS, Deep Learning Super Sampling, which allows us to essentially synthesize by learning from previous examples, essentially learning from previous examples of images and remembering, remembering how beautiful images out there, so if you take a low-resolution image, and you run it through the deep neural network, it synthesizes a high-resolution image that’s really, really beautiful. And people have remarked that it is even more beautiful than naturally displayed images at the native resolution.

And the advantage is not only is it beautiful, it is also super fast. We have almost doubled the performance of RTX as a result. That, you can have the advantage of raytracing, as well as very high resolution and very high speed. And so it’s called RTX.

And Turing is probably not even close, not even one-third of the total installed base of all our GeForce GPUS, which is, as you know, the single-largest installed base of gaming platforms in the world. And so we support this great installed base, and we are in the process of bringing them with RTX to the future. And now, with the new console generation, every game developer on the planet will be doing ray tracing, and they’ll be creating much, much richer content. And because of the multi-platform, cross-platform game, and because of the size of the gaming platform, PC gaming platform, it’s really important that these game developers bring the latest generation content to PCs, which is great for us .