Now everything is guaranteed, but Xbox will have the cheapest next-generation console

A few weeks ago, the idea for Xbox Lockhart, a lower-spec, lower-priced Xbox Series X, didn’t make much sense in Microsoft’s lineup. Xbox One S, disc and digital, Xbox One X, Lockhart and Xbox Series X? Five models? How exactly would that work?

Well, it wouldn’t, which is why starting this week, Microsoft announced that they are losing weight, discontinuing the digital Xbox One S and Xbox One X. Only an Xbox One S and Xbox Series X, and although they did not take advantage of this opportunity To officially announce Lockhart, that will come soon. So three models.

And this news also guarantees that Xbox will technically have the cheapest next-generation console, now that Xbox One X is out of the way.

How do I get that from this recent change? Because the Xbox One X was officially priced at $ 400 until the time it was discontinued. Maybe you could see it for sale for $ 300 to $ 350. But the point is, it was essentially about “squatting” at a lower price point that should theoretically be taken up by Xbox Lockhart. And now I think that is exactly what is going to happen.

As the “cheapest” Xbox, one that may not be able to make 4K games, but will still play all next-gen games and have other updates, I wouldn’t expect the Xbox Lockhart to be priced above $ 400. I think Microsoft is going as low as $ 300-350, frankly because it’s not necessary.

I am almost 100% sure that Sony will not cost the PS5, be it the disc or the digital model, as low as $ 400. Sony has openly said that this time it is not about the price, but the value. So I think they are meant to be cut down by Xbox Lockhart now that it can be any price you want with Xbox One X out of the picture.

My guess for what’s next:

Xbox Series X: $ 500 – I still believe this is the price Microsoft wants for the X Series. $ 600 would only boost all the world for either PlayStation or Lockhart, but $ 500 is more reasonable for an “upgrade”.

PS5 / Digital Disc: $ 550-500: This is where I think Sony will land, even with Microsoft, although perhaps a little higher if you want the disk version of the console. This time they can’t go as low as $ 400, they just can’t, and I still think they’ll be too scared to go to $ 600 after PS3.

Xbox Lockhart: $ 400 – It really can’t be more than this and it’s still considered a “value”, and it doesn’t actually have to be less than this considering that no other console will be priced within $ 100.

In short, this puts Microsoft in a pretty solid pricing position, something the last generation certainly didn’t have. Even if I’m wrong and the X Series costs $ 600, they still have Lockhart as an alternative and can undermine the PS5 that way.

It will be enough? No. Brand loyalty is so high for Sony and the PS5 with this latest generation going so well, even if Sony is better priced this time around, I don’t think there is anything that dramatically changes things in Microsoft’s favor. And both sides seem to know that. Obviously wouldn’t hurt Microsoft will win the price war, but it will take more time and energy than that for long-term conversions.

As always, I will buy both. Prices and Lockhart reveal soon, it seems.

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