Working to find alternatives – VG


MOVIE PRODUCTION HOUSE: In MS «Fridtjof Nansen» lives the film crew of the new movie «Mission: Impossible». Photo: Geir Olsen, NTB Scanpix

Hurtigruten insists they operate within the law, but says they will resolve the situation with “Fridtjof Nansen” after the Trade and Industry Minister deemed the operation illegal.

In the meeting with Hurtigruten and the unions that have reviewed the company, Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø (V) made it clear that she believes the company is breaking the law.

The background is:

  • Hurtigruten’s “Fridtjof Nansen” serves as a hotel for the production of the new movie “Mission: Impossible”
  • The NIS registered ship, which is currently at the Hellesylt pier on Møre og Romsdal, is in contrast to the NOR registered ships subject to international standards.
  • According to Nybø, the use of NIS-registered ships as hotel ships is a violation of the NIS Law, a law that will guarantee better conditions of competition for Norwegian ships in foreign trade.

On Monday, Hurtigruten did not respond whether they would change the practice, insisting that the use of “Fridtjof Nansen” is legal.

– We have realized and related to what is here and now, said director of communications Anne Marit Bjørnflaten after meeting with Nybø.

On Wednesday, he reports in an email to VG that they are in the process of finding a solution:

– When Minister Iselin Nybø speaks so clearly, we want to be constructive and find solutions. Therefore, we do not wait until the regulations are in place, but are now working to find alternatives to resolve the situation. We are also in dialogue with the ministry, our shop stewards and the customer about this, says Bjørnflaten.

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Iselin Nybø: encourage Hurtigruten to change practice now

Sjømannsforbundet: wait for a quick solution

Bjørnflaten describes the hiring of MS “Fridtjof Nansen” for a film production as a completely extraordinary event. She notes that the Norwegian Maritime Directorate has clarified that the use of the ship is within the NIS regulations and is therefore legal.

Political and government contact Stian Grøthe from the Norwegian Seafarers Association says he hopes for a quick solution. An alternative could be to use a NOR registered boat and change crews.

– Now I hope they comply with Norwegian law to the letter, he says.

The Norwegian Seamen’s Association and Fellesforbundet are behind the report against Hurtigruten for violating immigration law. Both unions and politicians criticized Hurtigruten for social dumping.

The unions believe that the ship should be considered a hotel and that therefore Filipino workers on board should have a work permit.

– If they change ships and crew, the Filipino crew does not have to risk deportation. It’s fine, but nothing would have happened if we hadn’t reported it to the police, she says.

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø tells VG that she is happy that Hurtigruten is taking the matter seriously and complying with the signals given.

– I have always been very clear that the regulations for NIS ships to carry out hotel activities in Norwegian ports have been violated. We are now working to change the regulations to prevent this from happening again. I hope the solution Hurtigruten lands on is in line with regulations, Nybø says.

also read

Police believe Hurtigruten is breaking the law: Filipino workers are at risk of deportation

Hurtigruten: It will have no consequences for the crew.

In connection with Hurtigruten’s confirmation that the Filipino crew aboard the “Fridtjof Nansen” will be paid by Norwegian for the entire assignment, VG asked if the company saves money by having Filipino crew on Norwegian’s payroll.

The communications director responded on Wednesday that the ship was not chosen to save money.

– The boat was chosen because the size provides better infection control and because the boat was available for charter. According to the plan, Hurtigruten should have put all ships with scheduled traffic back into operation during September. Therefore we had no boats available and no Norwegian crew for the charter when the contract was signed. If we land on an alternative solution that does not include MS ‘Fridtjof Nansen’, it will have no consequences for the crew and we will continue to pay them according to Norwegian terms, says Bjørnflaten.

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