Bærumsmann arrested after NRK documentary | ABC News


The Bærum man in his 50s was arrested by Økokrim at an apartment in Bærum on Friday morning. The police had been looking for him for several days. The arrest came after NRK released the Brennpunkt documentary “The Million Adventure” on Monday, about an investment project in which it is involved.

– He is currently accused of gross cure. Large sums of money have been transferred to his account from abroad, state prosecutor Trude Stanghelle in Økokrim tells NRK.

The man has not commented on the charge, but accepts two weeks of custody, says lawyer Anders Brosveet, the Bærum man’s defender.

The “project”, in which the man is suspected of playing a leadership role, has lasted more than 15 years. No investor has seen anything of the promised return. Dozens of Norwegians may have lost more than 40 million crowns. Currently, the man from Bærum is accused of having received NOK 7.5 million.

First State Attorney Trude Stanghelle says they are still at the beginning of the investigation and she says Økokrim did not have the man on the radar prior to the NRK documentary.

– Based on what emerged in Brennpunkt, we found reasons to do our own research. Ecocrime takes this matter seriously. This is a type of investment fraud that affects ordinary people. We are seeing an increase in these cases, he says.
