Asked the competitor to be quiet, now Pellegrino will speak to Iversen – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule


Pellegrino won the sprint that started this year’s Tour de Ski in Val Müstair.

– This means that the work I did this summer was good, even after the injury, says Federico Pellegrino to NRK.

Despite a cumulative injury that forced the 30-year-old to alternate training for about two months until mid-December, the results initially this season have been magnificent for Pellegrino.

Asked to be quiet

There have been three rap victories in Davos, Dresden and Val Müstair, without the Norwegians on the starting line. However, when it has upset some Norwegian competitors, it is not about sporting achievements.

Pellegrino told italpress, reproduced on Dagbladet, that Norway showed disrespect by dropping out of the World Cup race. That made Emil Iversen react.

– Pellegrino has had two wins, he will just shut up and be happy with the two wins he got. It’s not certain that there will be anything else after the Tour de Ski, Iversen told NRK before the Tour de Ski started.


Emil Iversen had a good start to the season with third place on the mini tour in Ruka.


Pellegrino received the comment from Iversen and admits he was upset by the statement. At the same time, he wants to clean the air with the Norwegian.

Yesterday I was not happy, but I must try to do the best I can, and I did it today. We will find a moment in which we will explain our opinions, says Pellegrino after the victory.

Pellegrino also says that the conflict has been inflated in the media.

– It’s a ‘journalists war’. When we meet, we will talk face to face and say “ciao” like we always have before.

– No cross country skiing without Norwegians

Iversen thought the Italian’s proposal testified to slight disrespect, as 2020 has shown that there are athletes struggling with the aftermath of being infected by the virus.

– You have to respect the way people think about this, because it is a serious disease that has affected everyone this year, says the Norwegian.

Pellegrino says he has respect for the choices of Norwegian athletes, despite statements made by the Italian media.

– Before Davos, I was a bit sad, because I feel that we are all FIS: athletes, coaches and politicians. If we think we should do better, we have to say it before the season, not on the road. But safety comes first, and it’s not that easy in a pandemic. I always respect the opinion of others. The problem is how to think about the risk, and it is very personal, says the super sprinter.

Iversen and Pellegrino

Emil Iversen was not happy with Pellegrino’s statement.

Photo: NTB Scanpix

At the same time, he hopes that Norwegian competitors will return to the World Cup soon.

– For many, traveling is a great risk. For me, skiing in Italy, with a lot of traffic on the road, is a very big risk. Everyone has their things. I respect everyone, but I can’t wait to get them back because cross-country skiing without Norwegians is not cross-country skiing, emphasizes Pellegrino.
