Two employees of the neonatal intensive care unit in Rikshospitalet Corona Infection – VG


CROWN INFECTION: A corona infection has been detected in the Rikshospitalet neonatal intensive care unit. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

Two babies from the Rikshospitalet neonatal intensive care unit were isolated after two ward employees were diagnosed with a corona infection.

The Oslo University Hospital informs VG on Sunday morning.

There are two employees in the neonatal intensive care unit in Rikshospitalet who have been diagnosed with the infection, and so far 25 employees have been quarantined as a result of the infection.

Two newborns who are patients in the ward are isolated.

So far, no one other than the two infected employees has been diagnosed with the infection.

The ward now only accepts new patients who need to go to Rikshospitalet, and the Ullevål neonatal intensive care unit has increased its readiness to be able to receive new patients.

Rikshospitalet’s newborn intensive care unit has a total of 20 beds and treats newborns with various conditions. Patients range from very premature babies to seriously ill babies born at term. The department also has national responsibility for treatment for all newborns with congenital heart defects.

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