Trump to elect Barrett as new Supreme Court justice – VG


BIG FAVORITE NAMED: Amy Coney Barrett (48) of New Orleans was named President Trump’s first choice. She has been clear that she wants a woman at work. Photo: MATT CASHORE / UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME SCHOOL OF LAW / EPA

Donald Trump has announced that he will nominate a new Supreme Court justice on Saturday. According to various US media, the choice has fallen on Catholic law professor Amy Coney Barrett.

Shortly after the death of liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87) on Friday last week, speculation began about who would be her replacement.

Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants a new judge to be appointed before Election Day on November 3.

Although the announcement of his nomination is not expected until Saturday, several US media, including Reuters, CNN and the New York Times, report that the president has decided: The election should have fallen to the socially conservative Amy Coney Barrett.

She was initially named the president’s favorite and, according to The Hill, she met with Trump at the White House on Monday this week.

Trump tells the Reuters news agency that he “initially” made his decision, but does not want to confirm that the decision fell on Barrett.

Can change your mind

Trump’s nomination passes in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority. Senate leader Mitch McConnell has already announced that they will vote for Trump’s election.

In that case, it will be a very important victory for President Trump. If you win your nomination, it means that you have appointed three of the nine Supreme Court justices.

The conservative majority in court will be six to three, and since the judges of the United States Supreme Court are appointed for life, it means that Trump will have helped shape American society for decades to come.

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CNN writes that its sources emphasized that there is always the possibility that Trump will change his mind at the last minute. The Washington Post also emphasizes that the president can change his mind.

According to CNN, Barrett was seen at his home in South Bend Indiana on Friday. It should not be clear whether he has been told that he is Trump’s preferred option.

This is barret

If Barrett becomes the new Justice of the United States Supreme Court, liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be replaced by a very conservative lawyer, writes the Washington Post.

Justices of the United States Supreme Court have traditionally had great influence on issues of value such as the right to abortion.

Barrett is popular with abortion opponents and was among the finalists in the previous round when a new Supreme Court justice was appointed. At the time, Trump is said to have said he “saved her for Ginsburg.”

As an employee of the Catholic University of Notre Dame in Indiana, Barrett has been affiliated with the anti-abortion group Faculty for Life, and is known as a social conservative. She has also criticized Roe v. Wade, the central court decision in 1973 that led to the legalization of abortion in the United States.

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However, he has also said that the court is unlikely to overturn this decision, Forbes writes.

In 2015, Amy Coney Barrett signed a joint letter in which she endorsed “the value of human life from conception to natural death”, and that marriage is “based on an inseparable obligation between a man and a woman.”

Barrett grew up in New Orleans as one of seven siblings in a Catholic family, has seven children, and is now a practicing Catholic. On several occasions, they have wondered if his beliefs make him morally critical in barrelsprudence.

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