You were not notified of the suspicion of Bertheussen – VG


THE DOWNLOAD MESSAGE: On March 14 of last year, a few hours after the arrest of the co-inhabitant of Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara, Erna Solberg and Siv Jensen called a press conference. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB

The Prime Minister’s Office did not receive any notification of the suspicions against Laila Anita Bertheussen before the PST informed them that an indictment was underway, shortly before Bertheussen was arrested.

– The prime minister’s office was notified by phone that the PST had indicted Bertheussen approximately two hours before the PST announced this, Secretary of State Rune Alstadsæter (H) writes in SMK in an email to VG.

– This was the first time the Prime Minister’s office was notified that Bertheussen may have had a role in the case. he adds.

Otherwise, the prime minister’s office has no further comment on the ongoing trial, according to Alstadsæter.

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At the Oslo District Court on Wednesday, Ingvil Smine’s Tybring-Gjedde, who was then Minister for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, said she wanted to notify the Prime Minister’s Office (SMK) of her suspicions through a Council of Ministers.

– We realized that this was a serious matter, both for them personally and for the country. I thought that the suspicion should get the attention of the Prime Minister, if the suspicion was right or wrong, we should not decide. I went to the ministry, he said from the witness stand.

But the Ministry of Justice will not respond if its ministerial council received such notification from Smines Tybring-Gjedde, which possibly happened with the notification, and if the Prime Minister’s office was subsequently notified.

Press officer Andreas Bondevik from the Ministry of Justice tells VG that they do not comment on the ongoing criminal cases.

The day before Bertheussen’s arrest, on March 14 last year, Prime Minister Erna Solberg criticized the director of the play “Ways to See”.

Director Pia Maria Roll had told VG that for her and the people behind the controversial production “Ways of Seeing” it was “obvious” that the attacks on the house and property of the Minister of Justice, Tor Mikkel Wara, were staged .

“Today I react when one chooses to speculate on this. I think those behind the work shouldn’t speculate. If they are not aware, they should also wait for the police investigation, “Solberg told VG on March 13 last year.

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March last year: Erna Solberg rebukes the theater director after Wara’s statements

“Focusing not on what a politician says or has done, but on the family, increases the burden on the politician’s family. Those behind the program must take responsibility for this and understand that they are doing it. Art is also politics and is often used in it. Freedom of expression is great in Norway, it is allowed to do so, but it is also true that you must take responsibility for the fact that you have helped increase the burden on this and other families, “he added the first Minister.

Now the Labor Party is demanding an answer on whether Erna Solberg was aware of the suspicions when she rebuked the play.

– This is serious. If this is true, Erna Solberg has blamed the theater for better knowledge, or someone has not done their job of reporting. If Erna Solberg has learned of the report of concern, it is a scandal, Anette Trettebergstuen of the Labor Party told TV2 on Wednesday.

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