Poisoned Alexei Navalny: – – He may have swallowed the poison himself


The conversation between the two heads of state took place by phone last week. Parts of the conversation are already known, but today the leading French newspaper Le Monde analyzes new and hitherto unknown details of what they describe as a dialogue between “deaf people.”

Anonymous sources have reproduced the conversation between Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron, and it was about the poisoning of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

Sources claim that Russia’s president allegedly released a new theory on how Navalny was poisoned:

“Navalny may have drank the poison himself, Putin is said to have said, and thus suggests that the opposition politician himself was behind his own poisoning, according to Le Monde.

A disaster for Putin

A disaster for Putin

“Simple Internet Warrior”

Le Monde’s article is now making headlines in some parts of the Russian press. The independent online newspaper Meduza covers the case, as does the much larger and nationwide newspaper Kommersant, as well as the Ekho Moskvy radio channel.

Furthermore, Le Monde claims that Putin is said to have said that the Novitsjok neurotoxin is much easier to produce than many believe, and that the Russian president has described Navalny as a “simple internet warrior” who had previously staged his own. disease.

Avisa also notes that Macron is said to have rejected Putin’s claim that Navalny had poisoned himself.

POISONED: Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is in an artificial coma in a Siberian hospital. The man who posted this video assures that it is he who is screaming on this plane. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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Harass with Putin

Navalny himself, who is still hospitalized in Berlin, also denies this.

In a post on Instagram, the opposition politician openly harasses Putin’s alleged innuendo.

“Good story. I think it deserves closer investigation. I cooked Novitsjok in the kitchen. I took a sip from the bottle on the plane. Falt i koma. Before that, I agreed with my wife, friends and colleagues that if the Ministry of Health insisted that I be taken to Germany for treatment, they would not allow it. Dying in a hospital in Omsk and ending up in a morgue in Omsk, where it would be confirmed that the cause of death had been “lived long enough”, that it was the goal of my daring plan. But Putin played with me. He just can’t be fooled. And as a result, I went like a fool, 18 days in a coma, but I didn’t reach my goal, “Navalny writes.

See this post on Instagram

Vladimir Putin told his French colleague: “Navalny could have swallowed this poison himself.” Good version. I think it deserves a closer study. Cooked “Novichok” in the kitchen. He took a soft sip from a flask on the plane. I fell into a coma. Before that, I agreed with my wife, friends and colleagues that if the Health Ministry insists that I be taken to Germany for treatment, they would not allow it. Dying in an Omsk hospital and ending up in an Omsk morgue, where the cause of death would be established “had lived long enough” – this is the ultimate goal of my cunning plan. But Putin surpassed me. It just can’t be fooled. As a result, I, like a fool, was in a coma for 18 days, but I did not achieve my goal. The provocation failed!

Et innlegg delt av Alexey Navalny (@navalny)

The collapse of the plane

It was on August 20 this year that Navalny suddenly fell ill aboard a plane from the Siberian city of Tomsk to the Russian capital, Moscow.

The plane had to make an emergency medical landing as a result of Navalny’s disease, and the opposition politician was taken to hospital in Omsk.

Already the same day, the apparatus around Navalny moved and claimed that it had been poisoned. He then began a tug of war with local authorities to transfer Navalny to a hospital in Europe. Navalny’s apparatus did not trust that the Russian authorities would adequately investigate the possibility that he was actually poisoned.

After massive pressure, the Omsk hospital wrote to Navalny, who was later transferred to a hospital in Berlin aboard a hospital plane sent by a private German organization.

- Nerve agent found in Navalny

– Nerve agent found in Navalny

Germany: – Unambiguous proof

Two weeks later, Germany moved in and said Navalny was poisoned with a nerve agent. They then described the evidence as unequivocal. Since then, laboratories in France and Sweden have also confirmed that Navalny was poisoned by Novitsjok, a military neurotoxin developed and produced in the then Soviet Union.

Russia has stubbornly denied that Russian authorities had anything to do with the poisoning.

French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly called on Russia to put all the cards on the table.

He did the same in the phone conversation he had with Putin last week:

– It is absolutely crucial that the circumstances behind this assassination attempt and who was behind it are immediately clarified, was Macron’s message.
