Norway rejects US demands – VG


UN DELEGATION: Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide, Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Development Minister Dag Inge Ulstein walked from the Prime Minister’s residence to the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday afternoon, to follow the debate in the UN General Assembly. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

The Norwegian government does not support the US demand to resume UN sanctions against Iran, according to Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H).

In just over a week, on Thursday, October 1, the doors of the UN Security Council will open for Norway’s ambassador to the UN, Mona Juul.

Norway will then have access to the Security Council as an observer for three months, and then as an elected member with full rights for two years from January 1, 2021.

The foreign minister is now clarifying Norway’s view on US President Domald Trump’s announcement to reintroduce UN sanctions against Iran for what they believe is a violation of the 2015 nuclear deal.

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Not surprisingly, Norway agrees with the position of the European partners in the nuclear deal, the UK, France and Germany:

– We share the assessment that as long as the United States has abandoned the nuclear deal, they do not have the opportunity to reintroduce the UN sanctions. What happens to the sanctions is an element of the deal, and Norway still supports the nuclear deal, Eriksen Søreide tells VG.

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Without legal force

On Monday, the Trump administration released a list of 27 people involved in Iran’s nuclear program and arms industry whom they will now punish.

When he presented the list, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he expected Germany, Britain and France to impose the same sanctions.

– The United States says it is reintroducing UN sanctions. That is where we are now. The three European powers – Britain, France and Germany – say this has no legal force, Sverre Lodgaard, a senior investigator at NUPI, told VG early Tuesday.

Rejected by the Security Council

The demands of the United States have already been presented in the UN Security Council

“Only the Dominican Republic supported the United States,” he said.

At the same time, the government agrees with the pressure on Iran to follow through with the deal, even though the United States has backed down and introduced its own sanctions:

– We have clear expectations that Iran will comply with the agreement. I also made this clear to the Iranian ambassador to Norway today (Tuesday), says Eriksen Søreide.

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