Red to introduce luxury taxes on planes and electricity


– We want to make more of a difference for people.

On Monday at 09:00, Rødt presents his proposal for a new party program, but something has already leaked.

The party will introduce a very special rate: a luxury rate for those who fly a lot and those who have high energy consumption, reports NRK.

– We want to make more differences between people, differences between people who have good and bad advice, differences between those who use a lot of electricity and those who use little, says the leader of the program committee, Mari Sneve Martinussen to the channel.

Also read: Majority in red says no to oil industry end date

The program committee proposes, among other things, to introduce a higher electricity tax for those with high electricity consumption. And if you frequently fly overseas on business, Red wants you to pay an additional 3,000 kronor per ticket.

Conservative Party environmental policy spokesman Stefan Heggelund describes the proposals as “completely unreal.”

– Sounds a bit impractical if we have to meet in Gardermoen with the tax return or that we should have state bureaucrats calculate how many times you have traveled between Oslo and Kristiansand, for example, Heggelund tells NRK.
