Danske Bank customer sent money to the world’s most wanted launderers


Clients of Danske Bank’s scandal-plagued Estonian branch traded suspicious large numbers of organized criminals over the years. It shows an extensive leak of secret data.

(Berlingske): Altaf Khanani was ready for one of the most important meetings of his life. The freshly ironed shirt pointed to a successful businessman.

This day in September 2015 was a special day. A client was waiting at the airport in Panama who could gild the 54-year-old Pakistani forever.

He didn’t know much about the client, but he was used to it.

Khanani’s business empire was twofold: On the surface, he ran a successful company that did money transfers for law-abiding citizens. Secretly, he was a professional money launderer for the world’s biggest criminals.

The business partner waiting for him in Panama belonged to the latter category.

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