– People will say that he is hypocritical and double-minded – VG


The former footballer has become the “guardian of morals” on Instagram, but will stay away from the participants of “La Granja.” – It would be unfair, he thinks.

Tuesday is the premiere of a new round of “The Farm” on TV 2, this time with a new host in action, influencer and former soccer player Mads Hansen (36).

He’s excited about what “The Farm” will look like under his wings.

– It is difficult for me to say how this will look on television, because I have nothing to compare with. You’ve probably felt and said all these years that this will be great, and I have that feeling too, she tells VG.

READ ALSO: Here are the participants in «La Granja» this fall

Put this on? Here’s how Mads Hansen will direct “The Farm”:

– Some great characters

Hansen makes little difference when he describes the contestants and all the characters from this year’s season.

– It’s almost unfair to advance individuals, but Raymond is a growing legend with so many teams. A variant of Lothepus, which happens to have smooth sides. We have a Muslim in Sanna, who has never seen a pig before. She is trained to believe that she is a dirty animal, but then a pig lives in the main house. Nor does she want to sleep in rooms with men. And then we have a 26-year-old priest, who is interesting in relation to this with the game, the drama and the alliances.

– How are you as a program director compared to Gaute Grøtta Grav?

– I’m myself, and probably a little looser in the fragment. I put out a joke here and there. But during duels and things like that, I have to be serious. Remember that this is an established concept and that it will not be a completely new program for me.

– Clearly with TV 2

With his more than 460,000 followers on Instagram, Mads Hansen has in recent years acted as a kind of “guardian of morals” towards other influencers on social networks. The 36-year-old, among other things, has been in fierce fights with Isabel Raad, Sophie Elise and Erik Sæter, while several times he has been harsh with other reality participants, who he believes have crossed the line.

To VG, however, he assures him that whatever happens, he will not leave any of the participants in his own program, but that the work on TV 2 will not generate any obstacle or change in his Instagram profile.

– I was quite clear when TV 2 made contact. I told them that if they wanted someone to host “Farm” all year round, then I am not the right man. They catch me for better or for worse, so I will continue to post things on Instagram and at the same time get to know the participants well. But no, I’m not going to poke fun at the “Farm” contestants on social media. That would be unfair. People will say that it is hypocritical and double-edged, but for me it is not something I want to do since I myself am involved in the production, says the host of “Farmen”, who adds:

– Then I just hope they don’t go stupid on social media.

CHANGED: Mads Hansen and Isabel Raad finally became friends, but “argued” for a long time on social media. Photo: Martin Sleipnes

– Has it ever happened that you thought you were wrong after posting something on social media?

– No, I’m very careful with what I post. And I get a lot of advice. Almost everything is rejected, but what I publish I defend. It is very rare that I post something spontaneously.

Two year contract

– And how do you think you are going to take criticism yourself?

– When I post things on social media, I first take the argument with myself. I reject it mainly, because it may be wrong for various reasons. This is why I stand so firm if someone criticizes me. I’m a tile nailer and rowdy, but I also defend it if I want to say something. If someone accuses me of something, I defend it. Especially if people actually make mistakes. But I never posted anything on social media just to provoke.

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The host’s deal with TV 2 involves more than one season of “Farmen,” he says.

– Initially it is extended to two years, with the option of one more year. So both parties can decide if this works or not. If I drop the flagship to TV 2, it’s okay not to have a seven-year contract, she says with a smile.

This contract is something that VG is also familiar with.

– How high was your heart rate on the first day of recording?

– Surprisingly low. Fortunately, I was able to meet all the participants once before entering. I was a bit excited, regardless of how many people were watching, but it was a completely new situation for me. They had chosen a large farmer and I had to report what the branches were. In my spirit I said that the dueling branches were sack races, rigid witches, potato races, stones, scissors, paper. Just to check your reaction. It will probably cut out. But I did it mainly to highlight that we should be able to joke around a bit too.

LOW PROFILE: The new host does not want to hang any of the “Farm” participants on social media. Photo: Espen Solli

Left the farm

The recording of “Farmen” began in July, and already in August, tv2.no wrote that several of the participants left the “Farmen” farm to look for others nearby. As far as VG knows, this must have been going on for several weeks, but in these times both the channel and the production company reacted more to the fact that they jeopardized all production by breaking crown rules, not that they necessarily broke. The rules of the “farm”.

The situation led to all production shutting down for just over 24 hours, while everyone during that time had to be tested for the coronavirus.

– What we discovered was that several of the participants have been in contact with people outside the production on various occasions. Although none of them showed symptoms of covid-19, we thought it was right to shut down and quickly introduce even stricter infection control measures to prevent the spread of any infection, said the director of the TV 2 program, Kathrine Haldorsen, at the time. .

Naturally, host Mads Hansen had to act too.

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– I had a clear meeting with both the Strix producer and the channel, where I told them how I thought it should be solved, he says.

– There I was angry

– Did you have to take a round with the participants too?

– Yes. I think both viewers and participants can see a side of me that they haven’t seen before. There he was angry. I rarely get angry, not in private or on television. Even those closest to me will see a whole new side of me there.

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– So this will be part of the show?

– Yes, it’s on TV. And when you see it and how we solved it, I hope and believe it will have a preventive effect, says “Farmen” host Mads Hansen, revealing not just one, but perhaps two, potential romances in this year’s season. – even if it is too early to say whether it ends at something or not.

– I’m excited myself. I myself was hoping to have a romance, it would have been fun and there is good television. We’ve talked and discussed it, and now it looks like there might be something new in the works as well. Maybe we have another romance? Who knows? The potential is there, yes, he tells VG.

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