That’s why I turned to Trump – VG


HAIRY TARGETS: Financier Anthony Scaramucci is working to convert three to four percent of Trump’s top voters. Here from when VG met him in Manhattan in December 2017. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

He became known as the communications chief who was fired by Trump after eleven days. Now he is working to make Trump lose the election. To VG, Anthony Scaramucci (56) explains why he turned around.

– Trump has contributed more to hostility and division than anyone since 1945.

Here’s what the man who was President Donald Trump’s communications manager in August 2017 says. For eleven days, Anthony “Mooch” kept Scaramucci at work, before he was fired after insulting his colleagues in the most vulgar way to a journalist, who recorded the entire conversation and shared it with the world.

– When I was fired, I said to Trump: “You have made me as famous as Melania and Ivanka, but I didn’t have to sleep with you or be your daughter. And I’ll use it to the best of my ability, “says Scaramucci during a video meeting with Norwegian journalists.

Now all indications are that the affable threat has become serious business for the wealthy financier.

EXCLUSIVE: Scaramucci answered questions from Norwegian journalists from his home office this week. He is known for speaking with great freedom and freshness. Photo: Ingeborg Huse Amundsen / VG

Republican uprising against Trump

The last time VG spoke to Scaramucci, a few months after his resignation, he said that he and Trump were still good friends and that he “loved the president.”

Scaramucci and VG interview: – I do not regret anything

Now the pipe has a completely different sound. Scaramucci has become part of a new Republican campaign that seeks to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

Along with other Republicans, Scaramucci has formed Repair 45 (the Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform). Among them is Olivia Troye, a former adviser to Vice President Mike Pence and part of the White House crown staff.

The Republican uprising against Trump appears to be on the rise. New names and high-profile campaigns are constantly emerging, working to overthrow Trump. They would rather have Democrat Joe Biden than their own party’s presidential candidate. Among them are Republican Voters Against Trump, Ohio-based Operation Grant, and perhaps the best known; The Lincoln Project, which includes former John McCain campaign manager.

“An orange writing”

Wall Street banker Scaramucci is donating money to several of these initiatives. He’s already made fun of his old boss.

– The orange writing is mad at me. Personally, I don’t care.

He describes Trump as a “crush who is trying to upset the whole principle of distribution of power” and believes that the president is directly harmful to society. Therefore, it does not shy away from any media in its attempt to sabotage Trump’s election.

– I do not care that he is president: I attack him with all my might, says Scaramucci.

GREAT SPECIAL VG: It is the states that decide the choice

The drop that made him spin

– The last time VG spoke to you, you said you loved Donald Trump. Why was it so long before you changed your mind and what was the turning point?

– I got fired from the White House. For two years later, I tried to support the president during interviews. But when he separated the mothers from his children at the border, I condemned him. When American intelligence denied the Russian president in Helsinki, I condemned him. When he attacked the press, I defended freedom of expression, Scaramucci answers VG’s questions.

– I tried to be loyal to the president, but he kept doing all that nonsense. And you ask what the turning point was for me: It was “The Squad,” he continues.

THE TEAM: Rashida Tlaib (left), Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley from the Democratic Party are called “The Team.” Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / TT NEWS AGENCY

It refers to the democratic four-leaf clover Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, all of them leftist women with multicultural backgrounds.

– President asked them to return to the countries they originally came from. Three of them were born in the United States, one has become a citizen, and all four have been democratically elected to Congress. That was the last straw for me, Scaramucci says.

As a conservative Republican, he’s far from “The Squad” politically, he says, but the attack on them still feels personal to Scaramucci, who is half Italian.

– He indirectly asked my Italian grandmother to go home to the country where she came from. It is American racism. I can not deny the whole story of my life and my personal integrity to support “this son of a bitch” answers VG’s questions.

It was the beginning of an ongoing Twitter war between Trump and his former adviser, sowing the seeds of the Republican Repair 45 smear campaign.

YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FOR NORWAY: Scaramucci asks the Nobel Committee to call him for advice, after Trump has been nominated for the Peace Prize. – We have already embarrassed our people by electing them president. Make sure you don’t do the same by giving that idiot the peace prize, he says. Photo: Christopher Katsarov / The Canadian Press

The Strategy: Kidnap Trump’s Central Voters

– If you want to beat Trump at a time of so much misinformation, you have to remove three to four percent of the core of voters. Then it is in front of him. This is what I work to achieve, Scaramucci explains.

The former communications adviser says he believes the Republican uprising could significantly harm Trump and destroy the “triumph.”

– We have to take it now, before he wins again. We have 45 days. It is one of the most destructive forces in the United States. To take it, we must reach all the people I grew up with on Long Island, and we must reach the working class and those who live in the right states.

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Trump’s Scaramucci characteristics are ruthless: he describes a president who only cares about himself, who does not believe what he says and only plays, who is notoriously insecure, who is unable to admit mistakes and who does not. have a sense of humor.

When asked if he thinks Trump will refuse to accept a possible electoral defeat, as speculated, Scaramucci responds:

– The Trump family does not respect any rules. They actively break all the rules.

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