Infection Warning: – Perfect Storm


In May, it became clear that epidemiologist Neil Furguson (51), a leading infectious disease expert, had to resign his post as scientific adviser to the British government.

The background was the racy revelation that he himself had broken the country’s infection control rules by having his mistress married for a home visit.

– Mars level

In an interview with BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ on BBC Radio 4, Ferguson now issued a clear warning:

– If we wait another two or four weeks, we return to the levels we saw in mid-March.

He believes that the situation could lead to more hospitalizations and deaths, and that measures will be required “sooner rather than later”.

– In a way, we are now facing a “perfect storm”, because people return to normal, as they have been told. Schools are reopening and we have a wave of new cases.

Between September 3 and 9, 18,371 new cases of infection were recorded in England alone, according to Sky News. This is an increase of 167% compared to the end of August.

ERTING ?: When UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke from a school library, it was something completely different than the speech that was discussed on Twitter. Video: Twitter / @ 10DowningStreet
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– New wave

On Friday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke about the situation of contagion in Britain during a visit to Oxfordshire, in the south-east of England.

– Now we see a new wave heading inwards. We have seen it in France, in Spain and throughout Europe. It is completely inevitable, I am afraid, that we will see it in this country as well, he said, among other things, according to The Guardian.

He stressed that he wanted to keep schools and as much of the business community open as possible.

At the same time, London Mayor Sadiq Khan warns that the likelihood of further restrictions in the city is now increasing.

WARNING: Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson warns of growing corona infection and says Britain is facing a “perfect storm”. Photo: Reuters TV / NTB
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– It is my firm opinion that we should not wait, as we did six months ago, for the virus to get out of control before acting, he said according to Sky News.

On Monday, September 14, the British authorities introduced “the rule of six”, which temporarily prohibits gatherings of more than six people. Exceptions are made for teaching and work situations.

New findings on corona-related infant death

New findings on corona-related infant death

– shocking

Labor MP Angela Reyner also hosted the current broadcast of “Today” on BBC Radio 4.

– We are deeply concerned about the sharp increase in cases of infection. What we have seen in the last six months is a government that has not yet mastered the basics, he said according to The Independent.

Reyner asked Prime Minister Boris Johnson to convene a meeting of the Civil Contingency Committee.

The committee is often referred to as “Cobra”, Cabinet Office meeting room A in the British Cabinet Office, where the committee holds its meetings.

– It is shocking to see how monumentally they have failed when it comes to testing, infection tracking and infection tracking systems, he continued.

Registration of infection in Denmark

Registration of infection in Denmark


Ferguson (51) has had a great impact on how the Western world has handled the crown crisis. Among other things, he led the Imperial College research group, which published the terror report that led Prime Minister Boris Johnson to drastically toughen the crown’s measures in March.

The report also affected Norway’s handling of the pandemic. Ferguson has previously criticized Sweden’s handling of the crown.
