– Now we need help from the population


– People should hurry to quarantine themselves and test themselves for the slightest symptoms, says the union steward of Oslo’s district bosses.

Kenneth Wagenius, a resident of Oslo, took this photo of the street party in Brenneriveien on Grünerløkka in Oslo. Kenneth Wagenius

Oslo may become one of the “reddest” cities in Europe. Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad told NRK on Friday.

In the last 24 hours, 55 new cases have been registered in Oslo. Thus, so far this week 245 cases have been registered. The Norwegian Health Directorate is concerned, writes NTB.

– We are concerned about the development in Oslo. Over time, there has been a fairly high infection pressure, health director Bjørn Guldvog tells NRK.

Good weather and high temperatures made outdoor cafes in Oslo popular on Friday nights. Espedal, Jan Tomas

Street party completed

According to the Oslo police, all was quiet in the capital on Saturday night.

However, there was at least one street party at Grünerløkka in Oslo. In Brenneriveien, near the Blå nightclub, between 30 and 40 young people gathered shortly before midnight.

Kenneth Wagenius, a resident of Oslo, passed them as he was about to ventilate the dog.

– I replied that they had zero social distancing. They brought a music system with them, danced and drank alcohol on the street, says Wagenius.

He says he understands that it has been a strange summer for many and that young people now want to party.

– But now Oslo is about to become the “reddest” city in Europe. So it’s outrageous to see obvious violations of infection control councils, says Wagenius.

He called the police because he reacted to the advice on social distancing not being followed.

Oslo police say they sent a patrol to the scene at 23.54. The party ended, but no order was given.

Ask residents to prove themselves

The negative evolution makes the union delegate of the district chiefs of Oslo, Irene Teslo, strongly attract the residents:

– People should rush to quarantine and test themselves for the slightest symptom. There are many who have now been diagnosed with corona, who have only had mild symptoms, Teslo says.

Irene Teslo is a union delegate for the Oslo district chiefs. Håkon Mosvold Larsen

– What are mild symptoms?

– Mild respiratory symptoms. You may have a stuffy nose, a sore throat, or a cough. If you have these symptoms, be aware that they may be corona. Then you need to do two things: take the corona test and make sure you stay home until you have received the answer to the test. Everyone gets a response to the test in 1-3 days, says Teslo.

– Are people good enough to avoid situations that can spread an infection?

– We understand that people get bored and need to be sociable, but now we ask for help. We are not saying that people no They must be social, but follow the recommended advice:

  • To be few together.
  • Keep your distance.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Use a mouthpiece in public transportation.
  • Prioritize meeting others outdoors.

Teslo also emphasizes that it is important to stay home with cold symptoms even if the coronary test is negative.

– We do not want the spread of viruses that can be confused with corona, he says.

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