This is necessary to remove crown measurements in Bergen – NRK Vestland


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The extraordinary infection measures in Bergen will last until Tuesday, September 22, four days longer than originally planned.

– The contagion situation in our city continues to be serious, said Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor) during the press conference of the municipality in. 14.

In the last 24 hours, there have been 27 new cases of infection in Bergen. In the last seven days, an average of 32 new infections per day have been registered.

– Therefore, we have no basis to say that we see a downward trend, said Valhammer.

Multiple with unknown infection routes

The infection in the last 24 hours is evenly distributed among the age groups and none of the newly infected is older than 60 years.

But the number of those infected with an unknown infection route is higher than in recent days. Among the 27 newly infected, between 10 and 12 have an unknown route of infection.

– We expect this number to drop after infection tracking has advanced, Valhammer said.

The municipality sat in meetings with the National Institute of Public Health on 10 Wednesday. There they received a clear recommendation to extend the extraordinary measures one week from today.

They chose to follow the advice. Thus, the contagion measures will continue until Tuesday, September 22.

– The situation in Bergen remains confusing and it is essential to limit further spread of the infection, Valhammer said.

Smaller queues at test stations

In the last week, more than 10,000 people were tested in Bergen, representing about 3.8 percent of the population.

And there are no longer queues and long waiting times at test stations.

– The testability has been greatly improved. We are where we want to be, where people can come in and ask for proof and get it right away, says City Manager Kjell Wolff.

Among other things, the municipality has signed a collaboration with two private clinics, which can test 3,000 people per week.

During the press conference, he said the reason for the intervention measures is that not everyone has been good enough to follow the basic rules of infection control.

For this reason, he urged people to keep their distances, have good hand hygiene, stay home when they are sick and respect quarantine rules.

– Then we managed to reject this and work normally again, he said.

Intervention measures

For more than a week, the people of Bergen have lived with stricter and more intrusive crown measures.

The new infection measures in Bergen were introduced after several days in a row with high infection rates. The municipality established crisis personnel and adopted a regulation saying that the new and stricter infection control measures should last for ten days.

The municipality hoped that ten days would be enough to achieve a significant reduction in the spread of the infection. But although there has been a decline since the peak was reached last Saturday with 43 infected, it is not only the number of infected that has been decisive.

– We must see a clear decrease in the infection situation. And then the numbers behind the numbers become decisive, for example if you have an unknown transmission path, says Valhammer.

On Monday, the municipality will make a new assessment of whether the measures have had a good enough effect.

Valhammer cannot rule out even stricter measures if the infection escalates in the next few days.

– It will be based on the information we receive in the next few days, but I do not expect it and the situation today at least does not indicate that, he says.

Travelers in Bybanen in Bergen.

ORAL LINKAGE: One of the extraordinary measures in Bergen is the recommendation of sanitary napkins in public transport, if the subway rule cannot be met.

Photograph: Bergit Sønstebø Svendseid / NRK

The culture industry hit hard

The new crown measures in Bergen created reactions when they were introduced, especially in the nightlife and culture industry, which has already been hit hard by the national crown measures.

The industry has long complied with demands to reduce backlogging and early closure of alcohol sales.

– This is a big hit, said Sølvi Rolland, who runs the Ole Bull house in Bergen, just after the measures were known.

Valhammer acknowledged during the press conference that the nightlife and culture industry in particular is struggling, but emphasizes that the alternative is worse.

– An extension of the measures for a few days will be less intrusive for the population and the business community of the city, than if the outbreak intensifies again and new and more intrusive measures must be introduced, he said.

The municipality of Bergen reports on the situation of the crown in the city.

THANK YOU FOR THE EFFORT: Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) thanks the people of Bergen for the effort this past week.

Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

Five hospitalized

Today, five corona patients are hospitalized in Bergen.

Since yesterday, a corona patient has been discharged from Haukeland University Hospital. Thus, two patients are hospitalized with coronary disease.

At the same time, two more employees tested positive. Since September 1, 28 employees have tested positive, while 106 employees are in quarantine.

At Haraldsplass Diakonale Hospital three patients have been admitted. One of them receives intensive treatment. In addition, two hospital employees are infected with corona.
