– I was shaking – VG


DISAGREEMENT: The prosecution believes that the threatening defendant Laila Bertheussen set the family trash can on fire. Bertheussen refuses. Photo: POLICE

OSLO DISTRICT COURT (VG) The threatened defendant Laila Bertheussen (55) says she was shaking when a girl knocked on the door. Then the daughter screamed that the garbage can was on fire.

Thursday, January 17, 2019: Shortly after 1:45 p.m., a young woman knocked on Laila Bertheussen’s door on Røa in Oslo.

– I see on camera that there is a girl standing there. I ask my daughter to open. Then it is announced that it is burning in the garbage can, explains Bertheussen in the Oslo District Court on Wednesday.

According to the 55-year-old woman, she had returned home from a seminar on the controversial work “Ways of Seeing” just over half an hour before the young woman discovered the fire. On the way home, she is said to have taken the mail and placed it in a coffin in the hall.

Did you get this with you? The health application was presented as evidence in court.

Inside the house, both daughters were at home, as well as the girlfriend of one of them.

– When we went out, there was a small tractor or plow standing there. There was a guy who said he was plowing a little more on the road. He had thrown the garbage can into a pile of snow. I think I had it canceled, explains Bertheussen.

The prosecution believes that the 55-year-old woman herself started the fire in the garbage can, after collecting the mail. According to the indictment, she used isopropyl alcohol and an open fire to light the can.

Bertheussen denies criminal guilt.

DENIES CRIMINAL LIABILITY: Laila Bertheussen (55) denies all accusations of threats against democracy. The 55-year-old woman risks several years in prison if convicted. Photo: Drawing: ANE HOME

Emergency calls

Bertheussen’s partner, then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara, was at a political meeting in Gardermoen this winter day.

About ten minutes after the fire was discovered, Bertheussen called police number 112 and explained what had just happened outside the home.

During the conversation, he was told to call the main police number, as the fire had been extinguished.

Both conversations took place in court on Wednesday. In the last police interview, Bertheussen was informed that a patrol was heading in his direction.

Threat letter

After emergency talks with the police, Bertheussen went and collected the mail that was in the coffin in the hall, he explains in court.

– It looked like it could be an invitation to a party or a wedding. Then I saw this letter with the extraction review. She was very shocked then, she explains in court.

The letter read the following:

THE LETTER: Here’s the threatening letter that Laila Bertheussen claims is one or more unknown perpetrators behind. The prosecution believes that she did it herself. Photo: POLICE

In the same shipment they were also included with a string.

In his introductory statement in court last week, Bertheussen explained his reaction after receiving this letter:

‘I was very shocked. There are tears, but I recover quickly, ”he said then.

– Can you tell me more about this? asks the Attorney General.

– I have those panic attacks, but they pass quickly. I have many years of training. I thought it was very simple, responds Bertheussen.

The prosecution believes that Bertheussen herself wrote the letter and relates it to her irritation at the “Ways to See” play and that she had denounced several people who participated in the play.

The report was presented to the Oslo Police District and referred, among other things, to ruthless behavior.

When the garbage can was burned, the report was dropped.

In a police questioning, Bertheussen explained that she was “super cursed” by the suspension. In court, the 55-year-old woman believes she was more “upset.”

New media leak

Shortly after Bertheussen notified police of the garbage can fire, he also contacted Rita Karlsen, who writes for the Human Rights Service website, a site critical to immigration.

Bertheussen sent a photo that she had taken of the can herself, as well as descriptions of the contents of the threatening letter.

– Do you recognize the image? asks state attorney Marit Formo.

– I do not recognize it, but it seems that I have taken that photo there. It seems so, answers Bertheussen.

The prosecution then documented the dialogue between the two on Messenger and the transmission of the photos.

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Bertheussen case: thinks he found the marker that was used

The prosecutor then referred to the police questioning where Bertheussen explained about a strong reaction after the incident.

– But we see that you are quickly out of this group. Do you have any comments on this? asks the Attorney General.

– My seizures pass quickly and this group is a valve, answers Bertheussen.

– This is the second incident, also this time it is you who makes sure that it turns off?

– Yes, I want attention for that, but I don’t want to appear in the media, she replies.

– Why?

– I thought it was wrong.

– Do you think it was important to get information about “Ways of seeing”?

– I think I don’t want them to call my attention, he answers.

– Is it more important than the police to find the perpetrators?

– I don’t see any contradictions.

The prosecutor then asked Bertheussen to explain why he was not letting the police work in peace, as it was the second episode of the threat against the home in just over a month.

– The press was on the property. The press would have understood sooner or later, Bertheussen replies.

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