– Fall Party – VG


The police are concerned about developments in the country, especially in Copenhagen.

Denmark has registered 341 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, according to figures from the Danish Statens Serum Institut.

This is the highest number of new infections since April 8. However, Denmark has increased testing capacity since then.

Police Director Anne Tønnes in the Copenhagen Police stated at a press conference on Saturday that the police in recent days have been more present to ensure that citizens abide by crown restrictions.

– I appeal to young people: leave the party if possible, keep your distance and take joint responsibility, says Tønnes.

The Chief of the National Police, Thorkild Fogde, started the press conference by saying that they are concerned about developments in the country, especially in Copenhagen.

– The behavior does not reflect the increase in infection. We see too much density and too little responsibility.

Marshals say the infection cannot be linked to a specific gathering, but rather is centered in central Copenhagen, where people gather to celebrate.

There may be bandage requirements

– There are many indications that further measures may be necessary, says Fogde.

The head of the National Police says that there may be demands for bandages in the nightlife and a ban on staying on the streets partying.

On Monday there were new restrictions that forced restaurants and bars in Copenhagen and Odense to close at midnight, and that they cannot meet in groups over 50.

Police Director Tønnes says that many young people put pressure on the nightlife.

– We experience that the nightlife industry will comply with the rules, but that there is direct pressure from young people.

The police director says that it is the responsibility of young people to look for places where there are not so many gathered.

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