Man sentenced to prison for cheating 600,000 crowns in support of the crown


This is one of the first trials in which someone has been charged and convicted of embezzling money from crown support, writes NRK.

The man in his 40s claimed he had lost income from two companies, but it turned out not to be the case. The man was CEO and president of two companies that he had established himself, but these had no billing.

The defendant appeared this week for a confession case at the Sør-Østerdal District Court in Elverum. There he acknowledged that what he had done was wrong and apologized.

Figures from the Tax Administration show that just over NOK 6 billion has been paid in support of the crown to the business community. Approximately 18,000 applications worth approximately NOK 1.3 billion have been rejected prior to payment.

– About 800 control cases have been opened, but so far there is nothing to indicate extensive abuse of the compensation scheme for the business community, says Acting Director of the Efforts Division at Tax Administration, Stine Olsen.

The tax authorities have so far sent three reports to Økokrim and the police districts.
