Accused of serious threats – VG


In a discussion forum, it is said that a 15-year-old boy wrote that he wanted to kill his classmates and that he should bring bombs and weapons to school.

Over a period of just over two months in 2018, the boy is said to have written repeated threats directed at the school and classmates.

The boy, who was then 15 years old, was discovered by the US FBI because in a conversation he referred to the Columbine massacre in 1999.

The case was sent to the Norwegian police who have investigated the case. The boy is now accused of serious threats and must appear in court.

– This was something you wrote on a chat forum. There were no real thoughts behind that, child ombudsman Torgeir Røinås Pedersen told VG.

The lawyer says the case has hit his client hard.

It’s been two years since this happened and it has been a very demanding time for him. He has been aware that the police have investigated something that has been difficult in itself for someone who has never had anything to do with the judiciary before, says Pedersen.

It was NRK who brought up the case for the first time.

Police lawyer Stian Moltke-Hansen Tveten told the channel that the police are asking parents to discuss threats of school shootings with their children.

The police are deeply concerned about this social development, where social media is becoming a low-threshold arena for various forms of crime. Unfortunately, we see a growing trend in which young people turn to threats and other criminal acts on social media, says Tveten.

The case will be heard in district court in late October.

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