Solberg expects corona vaccine this winter – VG


GARDERMOEN (VG) Erna Solberg says that we will probably have to live with restrictions until a large enough part of the population has been vaccinated. It will take time.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) opened her speech at the Conservative Party national meeting talking about the corona pandemic.

She says it will take time before everything returns to normal, but she hopes for a corona vaccine this winter.

– If we’re lucky, we can start getting vaccinated during the winter, says Erna Solberg.

– But it will take time before we have so many vaccinated that it is safe to live our lives the way we want to again.

– Until then, we have to persevere, he says.

Fingers crossed

In the press conference after the national assembly speech, Solberg was more specific about when we can expect a vaccine.

– There are many vaccines that are on the way that will be available at least from January, February if they go through the doctor. There’s nothing else I can do to cross my fingers what some of them go through, says Solberg.

– The probability of vaccines being approved at Christmas is relatively high with as much pressure as we have.

Ask people to take responsibility

Solberg began and ended his national reunion speech with Jahn Teigen’s hit “Optimist.” He spoke warmly about the path through the pandemic, but asks people to take responsibility for their own actions in fighting the infection.

– The most important contribution you and I make is taking responsibility for our own actions, says Solberg.

– When we protect ourselves, we also protect each other.

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Stoltenberg, Director of FHI: Concerned that people can no longer cope with infection control

But he also says that most people in Norway take that responsibility.

– You also have to take into account that the few who forget, usually receive a lot of attention. Both in the media and by ourselves in everyday life, he says.

LABOR MINISTER: Torbjørn Røe Isaksen enthusiastically followed the Prime Minister’s speech. Photo: HELGE MIKALSEN

Defend the EEA

During the crown pandemic, Norway’s borders were partially closed, also to Europe’s neighbors. Solberg cautions against shutting down forward.

He enthusiastically defends the EEA agreement and asks us to look beyond national borders.

– The Conservatives will be the party that will most support international cooperation, says Solberg to the applause of the room.

– The EEA agreement has given us the opportunity to connect with the procurement of vaccines from the EU. At a critical phase in March, the EEA deal helped us get infection control teams into the country more easily, he says.

JAHN TEIGEN: Solberg was optimistic about the way forward for Norway. Photo: HELGE MIKALSEN


In his speech, the Conservative leader also announced a significant investment in hydrogen as an energy carrier in the near future.

She envisions the Nordic region as an emission-free zone with hydrogen-operated ferries between the Nordic countries.

Solberg compared the investment in hydrogen to what Norway had previously made in agriculture, metal, transportation, oil and gas. Hydrogen for energy use can also be produced in Norway, provided the volume is large enough, he said:

– We need a demand large enough for production to take place in Norway and for Norwegian companies to be able to compete at home along the value chain, Solberg said.

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