Laila Anita Bertheussen – Seller «Bertheussen bag»


“Now you can also have the hottest bag of the test season!”

This is how the “Rettsaksstote” product is presented, which has been put up for sale by the recently created online store “Where can I buy …?” through the Spreadshirt online sales platform.

Laila Anita Bertheussen was photographed with the corresponding cloth bag during the trial at the Oslo District Court on Tuesday, where she is accused of attacking democracy with arson, damage and threats.

Bertheussen denies criminal guilt on the 15 charges.

The 55-year-old had printed in what appears to be a section of an email sent by police attorney Thomas Blom to Bertheussen’s defender, John Christian Elden.

HANDBAG: On a cloth bag that Laila Anita Bertheussen has with her in the courtroom, the 55-year-old appears to be imprinted in a passage from an email sent by police attorney Thomas Blom. Video: Bjørge Dahle Johansen / Dagbladet
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On Tuesday, Elden confirmed to Dagbladet that he had received the email. He described it as “an answer to our questions about conducting an investigation on his behalf.”

On Wednesday, Elden comments on the sales activity to the Dagbladet reporter in court:

– Thomas Blom has to answer that, he is the one with the “copyright” there.

After receiving a link to the online store, Elden adds in an SMS to Dagbladet:

– It is excellent that the message is spread. It is well said by the police and can remind both police officers and judges of this basic sentence in our rule of law.

Dagbladet has yet to reach police attorney Thomas Blom on Tuesday or Wednesday. Dagbladet has sent a query to the PST communications department through the switchboard, but has not yet received a response.

Wara the partner: - Incredibly selfish of you

Wara the partner: – Incredibly selfish of you

– joke

The designer behind the product tells Dagbladet that the “lawsuit” started as a joke. He wants to remain anonymous, but Dagbladet knows his identity.

– It is a genuine product that you can buy, but it is mainly because it is easier to make a real product in an existing online store than to make a fake online store. That’s the point: I’m not sure I want to sell something special.

Interest in the product has been “small, but present,” he says. By Wednesday at 2.30 pm he had sold a total of 23 bags.

– If you can discover the person who ordered nine pieces, I think they are a much more fun person to talk to. But sadly, I don’t know who it is.

He plans to donate the proceeds to an organization that works with relief work in the refugee camp in Moria, he says. On Wednesday night, the camp was hit by a powerful fire. Some 13,000 people are said to have been in the camp and now all must be evacuated.

ILLUSTRATION IMAGE: Automatically generated illustration image of the cloth bag from the online store website. The model in the image is not associated with the sales business. Screenshot:
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– illusion

The section shown on the cloth bag reads as follows:

«….. in the forwarded emails from Bertheussen it seems that she is in the illusion that she must actively refute her guilt. The defense attorney is asked to convey that it is the task of the prosecution to seek evidence of both guilt and innocence and that it is the prosecuting authority that bears the burden of proof.

Bertheussen has previously expressed, through her advocate, that she feels she has to prove her own innocence herself.

The trial against Bertheussen began on Tuesday this week. Read the latest news about the test on the Dagbladet website.
