Got white powder in the mail: the bomb squad on the way


A Sotra business has received white powder in a postal shipment. The police are taking the case seriously.

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Emergency services relocated to Sund, following notification that a company received white powder in the mail.

– We received an envelope in the mail that contained white powder. The police are handling the situation. An employee who was exposed to the dust was taken to the hospital for isolation and observation, Hoyland Offshore CEO Trym Jacobsen says.

The person who was taken to the hospital has no symptoms, he says.

The mail was sent to Hoyland Offshore’s offices in Sotra.

Tatjana Knappen, operations manager for the Western Police District, says police are on the scene and have cordoned off the area.

– Two people have been directly exposed to the dust. Two more people have also been exposed, but not in the same room. We currently don’t know what people have been exposed to.

The police are now waiting for help from the bomb squad.

– We take this seriously, says Knappen.

The two people who were directly exposed to the dust have no symptoms, she says.

