Bertheussen denies criminal guilt – VG


OSLO DISTRICT COURT (VG) The prosecutor says Laila Anita Bertheussen was not a suspect until the last fire, four days before she was arrested.

On Tuesday at 8:45 a.m., the trial began in room 250 of the Oslo District Court. There she is accused of several attacks on democracy through arson, damage and threats against prominent politicians.

One of these politicians is Bertheussen’s partner, former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara. The two arrived in the courtroom together Tuesday morning, but neither would comment with the press.

State Attorney Marit Formo began by reading the four-page indictment. When he finished, Bertheussen was asked how he reacted to the accusations.

She denies criminal guilt in all respects.

Formo says the suspicion against Bertheussen arose shortly after the car fire on the night of March 10 last year, which is the latest incident she is charged with.

“Before that time, there was no suspicion that the defendant was involved in these incidents,” says Formo.

Former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara is offended in the case. He came to the Oslo District Court with his partner, accused Laila Anita Bertheussen. Photo: Terje Bringedal, VG

Bertheussen was questioned several times in the case while she was still a witness. After she was arrested and charged in the case on March 14, 2019, she has been questioned three times, at the beginning of the investigation.

– The plan was to carry out a confrontational police questioning, before she learned of the case and before the indictment, says Formo.

According to the prosecutor, Bertheussen was summoned for further questioning on August 30 last year.

– The defender announced the day before that Bertheussen did not want to explain himself before the clause was lifted. The demands were heard, but the defense attorney stated, however, that Bertheussen did not want to explain. Therefore, no further explanation has been given, says Formo.

Former Minister of State Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde and her husband Christian Tybring-Gjedde have been insulted in the criminal case after receiving a threatening letter in early January 2019.

«I just have to laugh at them. We are not the dangerous ones, they are the racists
When they say they save, I just have to laugh. See you 26 02 at 20. The main point is: Do we want to live in a shitty society or a nice society?», It was said in the letter, that it had been marked.

According to the indictment, the letter was designed in such a way that it appeared that the sender believed that the recipients were racist and that there was a connection to the threatening episodes against the then Minister of Justice, Tor Mikkel Wara.

The PST and the prosecution believe that Laila Bertheussen was behind the letter.

– I think this is a demanding situation and I am very happy that it is over soon, says Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde to VG in front of the Oslo District Court.

Background: This is how they took her

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Bertheussen case starts today: dispute over prosecution

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The evidence

State Attorney Frederik G. Ranke has previously stated that during the ten week trial there will be evidence on surveillance images, font analysis, stamps, printers, health applications and internet use.

According to information from VG, the following tests will be presented:

  • PST must have found the same type of stamps in the house, as in one of the threatening letters.
  • Writing experts have concluded that there is a great similarity between Bertheussen’s handwriting and the handwriting of some threatening letters.
  • One of the video recordings shows Bertheussen packing the printer in the car, and analyzes of what type of printer has been used to print the letters will be presented.
  • Information from the so-called health app on Bertheussen’s iPhone will be the topic. The application measures the steps and the number of floors you have walked. On the night of December 6, when Wara’s car caught fire, the app shows that Bertheussen walked a certain number of steps and climbed stairs, according to information from VG.
  • PST also believes that it may link Bertheussen to the purchase of isopropyl alcohol, which was used to illuminate Wara’s car.

Get updated: this is the case for Bertheussen:

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