NJ reports 3,998 new COVID-19 cases, 15 deaths more patients go to hospitals as second wave rises

New Jersey reported 99 new8 coronavirus cases and 1 reported additional death on Sunday, while the outbreak spread to the state just days before the Thanksgiving gathering for the 23rd day in a row due to hospital admissions.

“Protect yourself and your loved ones as we approach the holidays. Wear a mask. Social distance. Avoid large gatherings, ” Governor Phil Murphy said on Twitter In declaring the daily number.

This amendment In the Covid-19 case, deaths and hospitalizations have continued, and there has been a sharp increase in the line at test sites.

Murphy did not announce new sanctions on Sunday to fight the second wave of the epidemic, but will hold its regular coronavirus media briefing in Trenton on Monday. However, the governor signed an executive order escalating the public health crisis, which was declared March 1st.

Last week, Murphy warned that the flow of cases and deaths would become “vaguely bad” over the next few months as more people stay indoors due to the cold weather and gather for the holidays. The last major global outbreak hitting the US – which also reached you in the spring before retaliation in the fall – mirrors the sharp numbers of 1918 cases.

New Jersey is now managed after an outbreak in March. More than a million positive06,007 total positive tests have been announced.

The state’s 9 million inhabitants have reported 16,761 coronavirus deaths, including 14,949 Confirmed deaths and 1,812 probable.

As of Saturday night, there were 2,568 patients with confirmed or suspected coronavirus in 71 hospitals in New Jersey. That’s a lot less than the 1,000,000 hospitalized in April, but the highest since May 28. Hospital admissions have nearly tripled in the past month.

Officials are urging residents to wear masks, practice social distance, wash their hands and be as limited as possible during this holiday. With the onset of autumn, family and social events have become the leading spread of the virus.

However, hope is on the horizon as officials announced on Friday that the company could receive up to 160,000 doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine by Christmas if it gets approval from the federal government for emergency use.

And if the Modernna vaccine takes a similar path, it could mean a total of 460,000 vaccine doses in the state in early January, while a massive rollout in the general public could occur by April or May.

Still, the key numbers that health officials use to track epidemics continue to take the wrong direction.

Of the 2,568 patients in the hospitals, 466 had intensive or severe treatment and 237 patients Were on the ventilator. Despite 297 discharges on Saturday, it was the 23rd day of hospitalization.

The state receives about 45,000 tests a day this month, and that number does not include the recently deployed rapid tests. Murphy reminded residents that there are more than 400 test sites available across the state.

The latest statewide rate of transmission has dropped to 1.35. Any number above 1 i.e. outbreak continues. New Jersey has been above this mark since the beginning of September.

At least 100 new cases were reported in thirteen of the 21 counties on Sunday, led by Bergen (403), Hudson (360) and Essex (340) counties.

No announcement was made in the state while 15 reported deaths.

To combat the spread, Murphy has ordered the closure of indoor bars and rest restaurants in New Jersey every night at 10 p.m., and canceled high school-level interstate indoor sports. Indoor gatherings are now limited to 10 people under 25, and starting Monday, outdoor gatherings will be limited to 500 to under 150.

So far, Murphy has stopped ordering another statewide lockdown in the spring, but he has insisted that he considers all options as the case progresses.

Count-by-count numbers (sorted by most new)

  • Bergen County: 31,851 positive tests (403 new), 1,855 confirmed deaths (246 possible)
  • Hudson County: 29,116 positive tests (360 new), 1,399 confirmed deaths (158 probable)
  • Essex County: 32,778 positive tests (340 new), 1,972 confirmed deaths (230 possible)
  • Camden County: 16,862 positive tests (325 new), 608 confirmed deaths (56 probable)
  • Middlesex County: 27,987 positive tests (315 new), 1,273 confirmed deaths (203 probable)
  • Burlington County: 11,996 positive tests (299 new), 491 confirmed deaths (41 probable)
  • Monmouth County: 18,624 positive tests (288 new), 796 confirmed deaths (92 probable)
  • Union County: 26,043 positive tests (280 new), 1,249 confirmed deaths (171 probable)
  • Pasek County: 27,065 positive tests (262 new), 1,155 confirmed deaths (144 possible)
  • Ocean County: 20,087 positive tests (207 new), 1,031 confirmed deaths (67 probable)
  • Mercer County: 12,450 positive tests (194 new), 615 confirmed deaths (36 possible)
  • Morris County: 12,252 positive tests (165 new), 707 confirmed deaths (147 probable)
  • Gloucester County: 8,066 positive tests (117 new), 259 confirmed deaths (7 probable)
  • Atlantic County: 7,257 positive tests (96 new), 265 confirmed deaths (13 probable)
  • Somerset County: 8,333 positive tests (81 new), 532 confirmed deaths (75 probable)
  • Hunterdon County: 2,236 positive tests (52 new), 76 confirmed deaths (54 probable)
  • Warren County: 2,259 positive tests (43 new), 160 confirmed deaths (13 probable)
  • Cumberland County: 73 positive3 positive tests (new૨ new), 122 confirmed deaths ((probable)
  • Sussex County: 2,315 positive tests (41 new), 162 confirmed deaths (36 probable)
  • Salem County: 1,476 positive tests (20 new), 86 confirmed deaths (5 probable)
  • Cape May County: 1,524 positive tests (9 new), 96 confirmed deaths (10 probable)

As of Saturday night, 2,568 patients in 71 hospitals in New Jersey had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. That’s 16 more than the night before.

Of those, 466 were in intensive or intensive care (14 more than the night before), including 237 on the ventilator (four more).

According to the state’s online online dashboard, 13 coronavirus patients were admitted and 297 were discharged on Saturday.

New Jersey’s ac1 acute care hospitals are two-thirds complete, according to the New Jersey Hospitals Association. Patients are less likely to age, making shorter hospital stays, and hospitals have become better at treating the virus.

New Jersey’s latest transmission rate is 1.35 below the 1.38 recorded on Saturday.

A transmission rate of 1.35 means that for every 100 infected people the virus will spread to an average of 135 others. Any number above 1 means that each newly infected person is, on average, spreading the virus to at least one other person.

But 135 is much lower than the rate above 5 reported at the end of March because the extent of the outbreak was still being considered and there was a lack of testing.

Although hundreds of school districts have declared cases of coronavirus and dozens of New Jersey schools have been temporarily closed since the start of the school year, state health officials said 56 schools have confirmed the Covid-19 outbreak.

The state dashboard shows ૨9 cases in those 56 schools, but that number includes only confirmed-in-school transmissions. Students or staff are considered to have been infected outside the school, or do not include cases that cannot be confirmed as a school outbreak.

Murphy has resisted orders to close schools nationwide, saying the numbers are better than expected.

Broken due to age, it accounts for the highest percentage of New Jersey residents, aged 30 to 49, who have taken the virus (31.6%), followed by 50-64 (24.6%), 18-29 (18.5%), 65 – 79 (11.7%), 80 and above (7.0%), 5-17 (5.4%), and 0-4 (1.1%).

On average, the virus is more lethal to older residents, especially to pre-existing conditions. About half of the state’s COVID-19 deaths occurred in people aged 80 and over (47.1%), followed by 65-79 (32.2%), 50-64 (16%), 30-49 (4.3%), 18-29 ( 0.4%), 5-17 (0%) and 0-4 (0.02%).

At least 7,274 deaths from COVID-19 in the state have occurred among residents and staff members in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. That number has also been growing at an alarming rate in recent weeks.

Meanwhile, at least 17,500 more people have died in New Jersey this year than expected, with state mortality figures showing that the epidemic has claimed more lives than the state’s total, according to an ongoing analysis by NJ Advance Media.

As of Sunday morning, there have been more than 58.3 million positive COVID-19 tests worldwide, according to a tele run by Johns Hopkins University. Coronavirus-related complications have killed 1.38 million people.

The United States has the most positive tests in the world, with 12.1 million and the highest death toll at over 255,000.

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Jeff Roberts can be reached at [email protected].