Nira Tanden: Strong Senate confirms Biden transition bracket for war

Nira Tanden, CEO and president of the Left Leaning Center for American Progress, was announced Monday as Biden’s choice for the position. Biden has announced several cabinet and other top officials in the administration, but no one has received the same response as Tanden, who has repeatedly clashed with the progressive wing of the Republican and Democratic parties on Twitter.

The Biden team is well aware Tanden is a challenging nominee, a person familiar with the matter told CNN that there is currently widespread acceptance in the Biden transition world that it will be tough, at best, to go through the Senate confirmation process. .

The fight over his battle in the Senate was drawn on Monday by waves of criticism leveled at him by Republican senators. Republicans currently have a majority in the Senate, but the January 2 election in Georgia will determine which party controls the chamber and could affect the ratification process.

Texas Republican Sen. John Corney said Tundan has a “problematic way” to confirm in the light of past “combative and abusive comments” about GOP senators.

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Katton said Tunden’s tweets were “full of hatred and guided by the left” and Tweeted, “It is unfit to be confirmed by the US Senate.”

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham, who controls the Republican Senate and is expected to chair the budget committee, said Tandon’s nomination has “climbed” in the Senate.

There are many other Biden nominees for Secretary of the Treasury, including Janet Yellen, who have been well received by both Republicans and Democrats, and no major issues are currently expected to be confirmed in the Senate.

Of the multiple people Biden has hired so far, Tandon is “definitely, lonely,” with the worst case scenario in terms of having shots at the time of confirmation, many GOP member advisers told CNN.

Tanden is an ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and previously served as a senior adviser on health reform at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the Obama administration, where she helped work on the Affordable Care Act.

Senate. Chuck Grassley, a pro-presidential Tempore and the chamber’s most senior Republican, told reporters Monday that Tanden’s appointment could be “controversial” among his colleagues. He said he had no position yet on how they would vote on her nomination.

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Josh Holmes, former chief of staff and campaign manager for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, reacted to the news of Senate nomination. Wrote on Twitter, “And confirmation is a sacrifice to the gods ….”

Tanden was also criticized by some on the left, mostly from his usual online online critics and rivals. But his nomination was hailed mostly by progressives, some with whom he has clashed in the past, largely because of concerns that Biden had a more prolific record at losses than any other staff member, Bruce Reed. .

Linda Benesh, communications director at Social Security Works, tweeted, “Bruce Reed is ideologically committed to toughness. Nira is not Tandon.” “Keeping Reed away from OMB is a big win.”

Tanden, who will be the first woman of color and the first South Asian American to become a director of OMB, has also been praised by many Democratic senators if confirmed.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday praised Tanden and criticized Republicans for “crocodile tears.”

Is this same B biden pick already devastating?

“Tandon is so famous that some in the Republican Party, keeping an eye on Straw, have raised the issue of his comments on Twitter criticizing the Republican policy position in Congress,” Schmeier said on the Senate floor. “Honestly, the hypocrisy is surprising. If Republicans are concerned about criticism on Twitter, their complaints on President Trump are better directed.”

Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown Praised Tanden “Smart, experienced and qualified for the position of OMB Director.” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren Replied directly On Brown’s tweet and said she agreed.
New Jersey Democratic Sen. Corey Booker said he has known Tandon for more than two decades and Tweeted“She is brilliant and laser-focused who is focused on making our country a great place for all. I am excited to work with her as she does the important work of rebuilding our government.”

CNN’s Gregory Craig, Ted Barrett, Kristin Wilson, Daniela Diaz and Manu Raju contributed to the report.
