Nick Maccarone dismisses apology for racist text thread with other former family magazines

After a text thread with racist messages on Twitter, Nick Maccarone leaked Big Brother season 21 has delivered an apology. He was the focus of several of the posts that fans are rooted for on social media.

Nick Maccarone
Nick Maccarone | Bruce Glikas / Getty Images

Nick Maccarone was involved in controversy in ‘Big Brother’ season 21

The 21st season of Big Brother was controversial because of the racist and misogynistic remarks made by House members. It has probably received the most backlash since the show’s 15th season, which contained extremely racist remarks. The controversy in Big Brother season 21 began with the almost immediate goal of Jackson Michie by David Alexander. While Michie and Jack Matthews were the two housewives who got the most backlog, Maccarone also got a good amount. He was already behind for the way he treated the women in the house, primarily his first showmance partner, Isabella Wang. His relationship with Tommy Braco, which apparently openly included sexual advances, also received controversy.

However, the comments and actions he was criticized for most revolved around Kemi Fakunle. After Christie Murphy called Fakunle an “f ***** g liar”, Maccarone added, “Can we get her out of this game already? I’m actually about to spit on her, honestly against God, deadass like not respecting her. I could literally hack a lodge and f ***** g spit in between her eyes. She’s a bit s ** t. “Maccarone was heavily criticized by fans, as was the rest of the Gr8ful alliance was for her behavior towards her colleagues.

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The lyrics leaked over the weekend

After the weekend, a text message thread is leaking via the Twitter account @GamerVev in which several of the Gr8ful Alliance’s housekeepers chatted with each other. Confirmed people in the thread include Nick Maccarone, Jack Matthews, Kathryn Dunn, Holly Allen, Jackson Michie, Christie Murphy, “Sis” Talavera and Jessica Milagros. Dunn and Milagros were the first to confirm that the messages were real, denying that they were part of the dialogue.

In the alleged messages, Allen says she should have a reunion on her family’s ranch and do activities like horse riding and shooting. Maccarone says he is “down.” Referring to Matthews, he says he will come back “come and shoot something and it will be blackand that there would be ‘rebellion’.

Although Dunn exclaims Maccarone by saying, “Wow … Nick, let’s just not,” he says, “I did not mean it, I meant people would do it.” Matthews then feeds in, saying, “I’ll turn the gun sideways !!! KILLSHOT.”

Maccarone lays out an apology on social media after the thread leaked with racist messages

In a post on social media, Maccarone apologized for the leaked text messages. “I want to say first that I’m sorry,” he said. ‘I understand how and why my words were harmful. Any implication of violence against Black people – in any capacity – is inappropriate and should be questioned. 8 months ago (at the time of the group chat) I was not aware of the deep systemic injustice and micro-aggressions [sic] towards Black people, what white white privilege is in action. I’m not fully aware of it yet. But I have grown a lot since then. I work every day to be more aware of what is happening in the world and to help raise awareness of issues of social injustice than other issues that are important to me. I take full responsibility for everything I said. I really and deeply regret that I hurt someone with my work. ”

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Despite referring shots in the messages, Maccarone said that was not what he was proposing. “I did not suggest that anyone should shoot anyone,” he continued. ‘I have not linked the conversation to the implications of violence against Black people, and I acknowledge that it is an absolute privilege to look beyond that. I do not find violence against Black people funny. I never have it. I will never do it. ‘

Matthews, the other person who made the racist remarks in the group chat, has yet to make a public statement or apology about what he said. Dunn and Milagros apologized for the conversation and said nothing late on Saturday night but early on Sunday morning.

By the end of Sunday, Bracco had also released an apology, while Murphy claimed not to have seen the conversation. One said Talavera said she no longer associated herself with the people in the group, calling them “very unpleasant.”